maxi fine and 4 thousand sea urchins released. Cylinders seized

maxi fine and 4 thousand sea urchins released. Cylinders seized
maxi fine and 4 thousand sea urchins released. Cylinders seized

ANCONA – Illegal fishing is unfortunately a rather widespread phenomenon in the fertile waters of the Conero Riviera. And this is demonstrated by the latest operation by the Naval Air Operations Department of the Guardia di Finanza of Ancona, which has seized approximately 4,000 specimens of “sea urchins”, illegally fished.

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The crew of the naval unit of the Corps already patrolling along the coast of the province of Ancona, spotted, during the night, a small suspicious vessel that was moving slowly, near the cliff near the Cardeto Park. The patrols on land were alerted and, after a long wait, they surprised two illegal fishermen as they were about to return to shore with a “booty” of approximately 4,000 sea urchins. The offenders were given administrative fines totaling €4,000 and the tanks used and the entire catch were seized. The fish product was immediately thrown back into the sea, to ensure its survival and guarantee the repopulation of the seabed, also in consideration of the important task entrusted to these small animals in protecting the balance of the marine ecosystem.

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Fishing closed in May and June

It is important to remember that fishing for “sea urchins” is prohibited throughout Italy in the months of May and June, to allow their reproduction. Furthermore, sport fishing can be carried out without the aid of diving equipment (tanks), for a maximum of 50 specimens per person and the sale and marketing of the fished products is strictly prohibited, as they lack suitable documentation on their traceability and therefore potentially dangerous to public health.


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