Ercole Baldini, champion forever. The leader’s jersey as a gift to his children

Ercole Baldini, champion forever. The leader’s jersey as a gift to his children
Ercole Baldini, champion forever. The leader’s jersey as a gift to his children

The Tour de France yesterday paid tribute to the champion Ercole Baldini, who passed away on 1 December 2022. The general director of the Grand Boucle Christian Prudhomme, before the passage of the riders, presented the family members of the ‘Forlì Train’ with a memorial recognition: the yellow jersey signed by Romain Bardet, winner of the first stage. In a yellow-coloured Piazza del Popolo in Faenza, full of enthusiasts and onlookers, Prudhomme recalled “the greatness of Ercole Baldini, also winner of a stage of the Tour in 1959. For me it is an honor to be here, in a land that has always given, in its history, many champions to international cycling. Baldini was one of them, then I would like to remember Davide Cassani who has done and is doing so much for this sport: so long live cycling and long live Romagna”.

Present in addition to the mayor of the city of Manfreda Massimo Isola, also the mayor of Forlì Gian Luca Zattini, the municipal sports councilor Kevin Bravi and the regional councilor Massimiliano Pompignoli who accompanied the brother of the champion Bruno and his sons Mino and Riziero, visibly excited. Beyond the barriers, on a very hot day, the public awaited the passage of the runners, with the flag-wavers from Faenza in period costume.

Ercole Baldini’s relatives gave Prudhomme a bottle of Sangiovese cuvée from the family farm, the fruit of the last harvest in which the champion also took part. “This moment reserved for Ercole is important – underlines Mino Baldini –. I thank Prudhomme who wanted to be with us on stage”. Alongside the mayor of Forlì Gian Luca Zattini, satisfied with the tribute reserved for the illustrious citizen. “Ercole was a champion of great level, and the most famous and successful sportsman in the history of the city. He was also a great man who, away from the spotlight, did so much for our community, helping those in need”.

Meanwhile, discussions with the family continue to find a place to create a museum dedicated to Baldini, with memorabilia, photographs and interactive animations. “Remembering our champion – said Councilor Bravi – fills us with pride”.

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