Apennine Festival, Abruzzo stop at Valle Piola of Torricella Sicura – ekuonews.it

Apennine Festival, Abruzzo stop at Valle Piola of Torricella Sicura – ekuonews.it
Apennine Festival, Abruzzo stop at Valle Piola of Torricella Sicura – ekuonews.it

ASCOLI PICENO – For the eighth appointment the Festival dell’Appennino returns to Abruzzo on Saturday 6 July at the foot of the Monti Gemelli, this time facing the Gran Sasso massif, in Valle Piola di Torricella Sicura in the province of Teramo. The afternoon will begin with an excursion to Acquaratola and then on the return a performance by Domenico Turks with “The Tales of Wallonia” and to conclude the evening the concert of the band Butter and sage. In this stage we will live a unique experience, a journey through time through the history of an abandoned village that is being reborn thanks to the desire for valorization initiatives, to bring lovers of slow tourism to discover this side of the central Apennines.

This edition of the event is characterized by an “expansion” of its traditional boundaries, promoted by the Extraordinary Commissioner for Earthquake Reconstruction and Repair 2016, Guido Castelli and from Bim Tronto. For the first time, in fact, in addition to the Marche, the Festival also involves Abruzzo, Lazio and Umbria together with the collaboration of Bim Vomano-Tordino Teramo, Bim Nera-Velino Cascia and Bim Nera-Velino Rieti.

The goal remains unchanged: to create an event dedicated to wellness, sustainable and experiential. An event with a vocation
tourist and cultural that combines, in a dense program of events, various activities: excursions, shows, performances, concerts, meetings, presentations and food and wine, promoting a type of experiential and accessible tourism.

The Extraordinary Commissioner for the 2016 earthquake, Guido Castelli, declared: “Torricella Sicura is an area on which the Commissioner’s Office is paying the utmost attention. This is confirmed by the recent approval by the Conference of Services of the Extraordinary Reconstruction Plan of the Municipality of Teramo. A significant intervention for the urban and social fabric of Torricella Sicura that not only allows for the recovery of the damage from the earthquake, but also for the improvement and enhancement of infrastructures and services such as schools, sports facilities and the multipurpose social center. These are fundamental places for keeping the community fabric alive and cohesive. Another intervention that I would like to highlight is the one for the regeneration project of Villa Celommi-Capuani, for which we have increased the contribution to 1.4 million euros. This is a point of reference for Torricella Sicura which will thus be able to fully return to carrying out its function: an attractive place of memory and culture. A work of social and economic repair, just like the Festival dell’Appennino, which is part of this strategy of enhancing the beauty, history and traditions of our territories through cultural and nature activities. An event that aims to contribute to making the central Apennines better known and to encourage its tourist use, made possible thanks to the commitment and collaboration of the four BIMs”.

The President of the BIM Vomano-Tordino Consortium of Teramo, Marco By Nicola he has declared: “The event in Valle Piola, in the municipality of Torricella Sicura, is the second Teramo and Abruzzo stage of the Apennine Festival, particularly significant for us because it is set in a once abandoned village, which has been the subject of a significant recovery intervention and valorisation. The Apennine Festival, in this sense, constitutes an important cultural vehicle to combat depopulation and promote knowledge of the territories on which our identity is based. The Teramo BIM Consortium wanted to be an active part of this initiative in synergy with the other BIMs in central Italy, because reconstruction is not only a material process but also and above all passes through the cultural and social regeneration of our internal areas”.

The meeting is at 3.45pm in Valle Piola, and then departure for the excursion at 4pm.

IMPORTANT: to reach Valle Piola for those coming from Piceno Aprutina do not follow the directions on Google Maps. Go to the roundabout before Teramo, on the Vezzola bridge and turn right towards Castagneto. From Castagneto follow the arrows Festival dell’Appennino for Pastignano, then Poggio Valle and Valle Piola, the last three km are on a dirt road. The excursion starting and returning to Valle Piola, has a difficulty level E (Hiking for everyone) is 5.4 km long, with a difference in altitude of 185 m and a travel time of
about 2 hours and a half (round trip).

Upon returning from the excursion at 7 pm for a performance by Domenico Turchi with “I racconti di Vallonia”. At 8 pm free dinner, for those who want it will be possible to dine at the refreshment point at the Rifugio del Pastore organized by the Pro loco of Torricella Sicura. The fixed menu at 15
euro includes: mezzamaniche with ragù, sheep alla callara, water or glass of wine. Furthermore, there will be other products aside: sausage sandwich, stuffed pancake, fried cheese sandwich. Possibility of vegan or vegetarian dishes on request by calling 333 217 9561 only during these times 1.30-2.30pm/8.30-9.30pm, no later than Friday 5 July at 9.30pm.

The evening will continue at 9.30pm with a concert by the band Burro e Salvia who, with a repertoire of Italian songs from the 1920s to the 1950s, will entertain and move us with brilliant tunes and great feelings of love, through the tenor voice, seasoned with a little swing, by David Mazzoni.

Participation is free but booking is necessary in order to better organize the event, by filling out the form on the date on the site

• mandatory to wear trekking shoes
• have at least one litre of water with you
• bring a sweatshirt/kway and towel/mat
• a complete change of clothes is recommended and left in the car
• It is recommended to bring a headlamp or torch in the evening

Apennines Festival 2024, inclusive of nature. The Festival is promoted by the Extraordinary Commissioner for Earthquake Reconstruction 2016 and Bim Tronto, with the collaboration of Bim Vomano-Todino Teramo, Bim Nera-Velino Cascia and Bim Nera-Velino Rieti, Marche Region, Umbria Region, Abruzzo Region, Lazio Region, Chamber of Commerce of the Marche, Chamber of Commerce of Umbria, Gran Sasso Chambers of Commerce of Italy, Chamber of Commerce Rieti-Viterbo, in synergy with the 23 Municipalities of the central Apennines, partners of the event, Accumoli, Acquasanta Terme, Amatrice, Arquata del Tronto, Ascoli Piceno, Civitella del Tronto, Colledara, Comunanza, Esanatoglia di Narco, Force, Leonessa, Montefortino, Montegallo, Montemonaco, Norcia, Pieve Torina, Rieti, Roccafluvione, Rotella, Sant’Anatolia di Narco, Torricella Sicurezza, Ussita , Venarotta, with the artistic direction of the Appennino up Cultural Association and Mete Picene.

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