Ragusa, the GdF celebrates its 250th anniversary

Ragusa, the GdF celebrates its 250th anniversary
Ragusa, the GdF celebrates its 250th anniversary


The Iblean community’s embrace of the Guardia di Finanza on the day of the 250th anniversary of its foundation.

This, in short, was the theme of yesterday afternoon’s meeting at the Marina di Ragusa Tourist Port.

To testify to the appreciation for the daily commitment of the Fiamme Gialle in the area, the presence of many citizens who wanted to embrace, ideally, the soldiers of the Hyblaean Financial Police.


The numbers of a full-scale commitment, that of the Iblea Guardia di Finanza, which testifies to the important action at the service of the community.

There are 932 inspection interventions and 746 investigations to combat economic-financial crime and criminal infiltration into the economy, conducted by the Iblean yellow flames from January 1, 2023 to May 2024.

An “all-round” commitment to protect families and businesses, destined to intensify further to ensure the correct allocation of the resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

The inspection activities allowed the identification of 25 total tax evaders, i.e. those carrying out business or self-employed activities completely unknown to the tax authorities and 77 “undeclared” or irregular workers.

The subjects reported for tax crimes are 97. Following investigations delegated by the judicial authorities, non-existent or high-risk tax relief credits in the building and energy sectors for over 2 million euros were also cautioned and reported to the Revenue Agency, as well as assets constituting the profit of tax evasion and fraud, for a value of 583 thousand euros.

The 28 excise duty operations resulted in the seizure of over 18 tons of energy products.

The directives issued aim, as a priority, to protect projects and investments financed with resources from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. In this context, 82 interventions were carried out aimed at verifying the entitlement of citizens and businesses to tax credits, contributions and financing, discovering the undue request or perception of over 2.3 million euros.

Attention is also paid to the protection of other resources of the European Union, including the aid provided for by the Common Agricultural Policy and the Common Fisheries Policy. In this regard, the dependent departments conducted 12 interventions, ascertaining fraud for 1.1 million euros, carrying out seizures for over 100,000
euros and reporting 4 responsible.

On the national public spending front, in the same period, 225 interventions were carried out, of which 209 related to citizenship income and new inclusion and support measures for training and work.

The action to combat fraud on national funding, social security and welfare spending has led overall to the ascertainment of contributions unduly received/requested for over 5 million euros.

As part of the collaboration with the judicial authority – criminal and accounting – 95 investigations were carried out on the subject of public spending, resulting in 171 individuals being reported and 2 responsible persons reported to the Court of Auditors, with the ascertainment of treasury damages for over 340,000 euros.

There is growing collaboration on the territory with the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, with which 6 investigations have been developed that have led to the reporting of 3 responsible parties and to advance proposals for seizure for over 930,000 euros.

In the field of money laundering and self-laundering, 9 interventions were carried out, which led to the reporting of 16 people and the reconstruction of illicit operations for over 7.4 million euros. Furthermore
proposals for the seizure of over 2.7 million euros have been put forward.

159 suspicious financial flows generated by operators of the anti-money laundering prevention system were investigated.

At the land, sea and air borders, 85 checks were carried out on the circulation of currency with the discovery of illicit movements of over 633,000 euros and the verification of 12 violations.

In the field of bankruptcy crimes and the corporate crisis code, 15 interventions were carried out, which made it possible to quantify a total value of distractions of over 21 million euros and to report 21 subjects to the AG.

In application of anti-mafia legislation, 87 individuals were subjected to asset checks.

Then, 618 investigations were carried out following requests received from the Prefecture of Ragusa, referring to functional checks for the release of anti-mafia documentation.

In the period under review, the Departments of the Provincial Command seized over 11.3 kg of narcotic substances, mainly consisting of hashish (almost 10 kg), marijuana (over 1.2 kg) and cocaine (52 grams), reporting to AG 12 subjects (of which 4 are under arrest) and reporting 82 of them to the Prefect of Ragusa.

In terms of protection of the goods and services market, 40 interventions were carried out, 15 mandates of the judicial authority were developed and 14 subjects were reported. Following these activities, 400,000 counterfeit products, with false indication of being made in Italy and unsafe, were seized.

Over a ton of agri-food products were also seized, mainly foods and beverages that did not comply with essential safety requirements.

From January 2023 to the end of May 2024, as part of the action to combat irregular immigration by sea, 76 interventions were carried out to assist the disembarkation of 7,326 migrants and 26 individuals were arrested by the joint task force operating at the port of Pozzallo, of which the local Naval Operational Section is an integral part.

In 2023, the Guardia di Finanza spent a total of 5,003 man-days in public order services during demonstrations, sporting events, international gatherings and other events. This commitment, which is continuing in 2024, led to a total of 1,083 man-days in public order services.

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