over forty street artists at work to paint the “free walls” of the former Camilli area

over forty street artists at work to paint the “free walls” of the former Camilli area
over forty street artists at work to paint the “free walls” of the former Camilli area

STREET ART – Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June 2024 event open to the public promoted by Iceberg aps, with the patronage and support of the Municipality of Ferrara

The ex Camilli park becomes an open-air gallery for the art of muralism. For two days, Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June 2024, the redeveloped green area between the Rampari di San Paolo underwall and via Darsena will host Italian and foreign artists who will create their works on the “first free walls of Ferrara”. The initiative, entitled “Ferrara Open Walls”, was born from an idea of ​​the cultural association Iceberg aps, which will oversee its implementation, and is sponsored by the Municipality of Ferrara which has also guaranteed its support with a financial contribution.

The details of the event were illustrated today at a press conference in the municipal residence by the deputy mayor Alexander Balboni together with the president of the Iceberg association Alessandro Soriani e all’art director Jessica Faccini.

“It is a project – explained Deputy Mayor Balboni – that we worked on in the last mandate and that has the aim of enhancing a very popular place in the city. A green area redeveloped as part of the new Darsena project, but on whose walls there have been cases of vandalism with graffiti that risk ruining the decorum of the entire area. For this reason, thanks to the idea proposed by the Iceberg association, we thought of covering those graffiti with works of urban art that can contribute to the redevelopment of the park and give a sense of greater care of the area. There will be top-level Italian and foreign artists who will be able to give free expression to their creativity, in a park where, among other things, there is already a mural in memory of the Bologna massacre, thus continuing along the path of the vocation assumed by the area”.

“In many cities in Italy and Europe – Alessandro Soriani underlined – there are ‘free walls’ where artists can express themselves and that are not vandalized. For this reason we thought of creating this project, directed by Jessica Faccini and Saverio Soriani, for the city of Ferrara which will thus be able to have its first free walls available to artists who want to express themselves and try new techniques”.

“During the two days of Saturday and Sunday – Jessica Faccini specified – there will be about forty artists, including three from Barcelona, ​​who from 11 in the morning until sunset will paint on the walls of the green area of ​​the former Camilli. Ferrarese and tourists will be able to admire them at work. The suggested theme is environmental, but I do not exclude that other themes may also be covered. During the weekend there will also be some stalls with works by the participating artists, as well as a refreshment point. Thanks to this project the area will become an open-air gallery where the works will change over time, renewing themselves and always attracting new visitors”.

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