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From Puglia Region 23.5 million for SMEs with “transformations”

From Puglia Region 23.5 million for SMEs with “transformations”
From Puglia Region 23.5 million for SMEs with “transformations”

“Transformations” is the name of the notice given at the counter with a total budget of 23.5 million euros which intends to facilitate the implementation of investment projects aimed at the innovation of SMEs in terms of sustainable innovation and digital transformation, through targeted aid aimed at the purchase of consultancy services for technological, strategic and organizational innovation related to the ecological transition and the purchase of services and technologies (hardware and software) for digital transformation. The notice is a new subsidized measure that enriches the programming of the Puglia Region. “Supporting the Apulian entrepreneurial fabric – declared the regional councilor for economic development, Alessandro Delli Noci – means allowing it to keep up with the times and to innovate processes to respond better and more effectively to contemporary challenges, in particular to digital and energy transition.

This new notice was designed precisely to support the competitiveness of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in an increasingly articulated and complex market, consolidating technological, organizational and process development. The challenges of innovation, industry 5.0, industrial automation are complex challenges that require consultancy support for patenting, prototype development, IT security, e-commerce or artificial intelligence. The reward relating to artificial intelligence – underlines the councilor – is an important element because a true industrial revolution does not exist if small and very small companies, which represent the vast majority of Apulian but also Italian companies, are not given the opportunity to access new technologies and exploit them to make production processes more efficient” In order to promote the tender and explain its details, the first two infodays are already scheduled in Bari on 3 July and in Lecce on 5 July.

In detail, the notice includes two lines: Line A – Services for technological, strategic, organizational and commercial innovation of SMEs with particular reference to manufacturing, design and the circular economy as well as consultancy services related to energy and its management; Line B – Services aimed at digital transformation interventions of companies. In the individual candidate projects, up to four types of services can be selected, to be chosen from one of the two lines or from both with a maximum of two services per line. The beneficiaries of the aid are Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MPMI), individually or associated in a Temporary Association of Purpose, Network Contract, Consortium or Consortium Company. Freelance professionals can also benefit from the incentives, as they are treated as small and medium enterprises as carrying out economic activities.

The minimum eligible investment is 10,000.00 for a maximum of 360,000.00 euros in the case of individual project submission and 540,000.00 euros for projects submitted by groups of companies. The incentives are granted in the amount of 45% of the total expenditure deemed eligible. This intensity may increase by a maximum of 5% for projects that demonstrate coherence with the “Digital Europe Programme” with particular reference to the following two areas: interconnection with the European digital innovation hubs (EDIH) and use of artificial intelligence. This bonus is also recognized for projects that use technologies and services compatible with environmental sustainability or that demonstrate the relevance of the female and youth component within the project. The online procedure for submitting projects can be accessed via the web portal (section “Bandi in Corso”). The submission of applications will be possible starting from 2:00 pm on 10 July and until 2:00 pm on 31 December 2026 unless funds run out. The Region will use the Intermediate Body InnovaPuglia SpA to manage the notice.

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