Municipality of Latina – The new PEF of the urban hygiene service has been approved, the intervention of Mayor Celentano

Municipality of Latina – The new PEF of the urban hygiene service has been approved, the intervention of Mayor Celentano
Municipality of Latina – The new PEF of the urban hygiene service has been approved, the intervention of Mayor Celentano

“The new PEF of the Latina urban hygiene service takes into account various needs ranging from the actual performance of the service to the need to reduce the tax burden on citizens.

It is not a downward PEF, as some want to label it, but on the contrary it is a PEF that guarantees greater resources to the ABC which will be able to proceed, with the allocated resources, to hire a further 10 staff units and will allow the strengthening of the reorganization and cleaning of the streets.

This new PEF will also guarantee the hiring of a further six units who will strengthen the assessment activity of the municipal offices of the institution.

The new PEF, which I define as social, will allow a reduction in tariffs for a total of 2.7 million euros. All citizens will benefit from this reduction, especially families with multiple people in their household.

A result that is anything but obvious and the result of painstaking work carried out by the offices and departments of the Budget and the Environment, and also in close contact with the Board of Directors of the special company Abc Latina.

This administration is not against recycling, on the contrary, recycling remains a prerogative for us too. Recycling is possible, even in different ways.

We have chosen a separate waste collection system that takes into account the needs of the area. A particularly large and varied territory, where in the suburbs it works and is possible to continue with ‘door to door’ and which instead finds it difficult to be implemented in the centre, not only due to the costs that citizens would have to bear to extend ‘door to door’ ‘ also in this area but also and above all for reasons of decorum, obstruction to pedestrians, linked to the presence of tubs on the streets of the centre.

From now until next December 31st we will work with our instrumental body, the ABC, to submit to this board a new project, a new industrial plan, a new service contract, an improvement of the collection system with greater tidying up and sweeping services and with separate waste collection that will travel on three tracks: smart bins in the centre, ‘door to door’ with bins in the peripheral areas, bins for separate waste collection inside condominiums where there are useful spaces.

The possibility of rationalizing the ‘door to door’ collection frequencies will not be overlooked, so as to be able to recover the staff to dedicate to other urban hygiene services, with the consequent possibility of reducing production costs. This last suggestion comes from ABC and which we are evaluating.

I believe that the work done to approve this new PEF, and for this I thank councilor Ada Nasti and councilor Franco Addonizio, is a work of which the entire administration can only be proud, achieving the objective, always pursued, to reduce the fees charged to users. Citizens will pay less and have more services.”

This is the speech of the mayor of Latina Matilde Celentano on the new PEF of the urban hygiene service, illustrated in the city council by the councilors for the environment and the budget, respectively Franco Addonizio and Ada Nasti, and then approved by majority.

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