the family discovers it from the cameras – Il Caffe

the family discovers it from the cameras – Il Caffe
the family discovers it from the cameras – Il Caffe

The Carabinieri of Cisterna di Latina arrested a 34-year-old woman originally from Eastern Europe, who worked as a carer, in flagrante delicto.

The woman had been hired as a carer to take care of a 90-year-old elderly woman residing in the province of Latina, recognized as a “handicapped individual in a serious situation” pursuant to law 104/1992.

The Carabinieri intervened because the caregiver attacked the ninety-year-old, causing multiple bruises to her head and various parts of her body. It was the elderly woman’s son who asked for military intervention.

The man told them that, looking at the video surveillance cameras installed inside his mother’s home, he had witnessed live a violent physical attack by the caregiver against the woman he was supposed to be taking care of.

The wounds

As a result of the attack, the victim suffered various traumas to her face and body which required the intervention of 118 personnel. The rescuers, in consideration of the traumas, deemed it appropriate to transport the elderly woman to the Santa hospital Maria Goretti of Latina. Here you will be subjected to the necessary diagnostic investigations and appropriate treatments.

The caregiver, reached inside the apartment, in the bedroom she used, was in a clear state of alteration due to the abuse of alcoholic substances.

There were also blows to the Carabinieri

The woman continued to maintain an agitated and aggressive attitude even in the presence of the soldiers who intervened. She appeared aggressive both towards the victim and her family members present at the scene. At a certain point she also threw herself behind the old woman who had been taken by the arm of her son.

Blocked by the soldiers, the thirty-four year old showed further aggression towards them too. The Carabinieri therefore arrested her for the crime of mistreatment against family members or cohabitants, aggravated as it was committed to the detriment of a person with disabilities, and for resisting a public official.

Read also: A 16-year-old was attacked in the pub area of ​​Latina. For them the “Daspo Willy”

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