Guardia di Finanza, over 2500 interventions and 211 investigations in the last year and a half

2,515 inspections and 221 investigations to combat economic-financial crimes and the infiltration of crime into the economy: this is the work carried out by the Guardia di Finanza of Cremona in 2023 and in the first five months of 2024.

To provide the data, as part of the celebrations for the 250th anniversary of the Guardia di Finanzawas the commander, Massimo Dell’Anna. “Un “all-round” commitment to protect families and businesses, destined to further intensify to guarantee the correct allocation of the resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan” has said the colonel.


They have been carried out 342 interventions to protect state revenuequantifying a taxable base subtracted from taxation of 343 million euros, VAT evaded for 128 million, as well as a taxable IRAP amount of 482 million.

The inspection activities made it possible to identify 68 tax evaders in total, as well as 88 illegal workers and 37 irregular workers. Furthermore, 2 cases of international tax evasion were discovered, mainly attributable to hidden stable organisations.

People reported for tax crimes there are 317, of which 4 ended up in handcuffs. Assets that constituted profits from tax evasion and fraud were seized, worth 12.6 million euros. 133 proposals were made for the termination of the VAT number and cancellation from the Vies database, against economic entities characterized by tax risk profiles.

“The 138 interventions carried out to combat undue compensation and other crimes relating to tax credits have made it possible to reveal over 36 million euros of non-existent or unduly compensated credits which were not due” explained Dell’Anna.

There were 19 interventions fight against illegal gamblingwhich allowed “9 violations relating to irregular amusement devices and devices to be found and fines of 4,500 euros to be imposed”.


As regards the activity of the Financial Police in sector of the protection of public spending, 71 interventions were carried out aimed at verifying the entitlement of citizens and businesses to tax credits, contributions and financing, as well as the correct execution of the works and services covered by public tenders. In this context, 500 thousand euros of non-due contributions and 3.7 million euros of non-existent/non-due credits were quantified.

In the field of national funding 23 interventions were carried out with the reporting of 14 subjects and the quantification of almost 500 thousand euros of contributions unduly received/requested. Attention should also be paid to the protection of other resources of the European Union, including the aid provided for by the Common Agricultural Policy and the Common Fisheries Policy. In this regard, our departments conducted 3 interventions, for 400 thousand euros of controlled contributions” specified Dell’Anna.

A great attention also to the phenomenon of corruption and crimes against the Public Administration: in this regard, 6 people were reported, who practiced corruption for 75 thousand euros and embezzlement for almost 100 thousand euros.

On the national public spending frontin the same period, 113 interventions were carried out, of which 108 on the subject of citizenship income and new inclusion and support measures for training and work, with the quantification of contributions unduly received/requested for 1 million euros .

As part of the collaboration with the judicial – criminal and accounting authorities – 30 investigations were carried out on the subject of public spending, which led to the reporting of 137 subjects, as well as 3 reported to the Court of Auditors, with the assessment of treasury damages amounting to 310 thousand euros.

In terms of procurement, assignment procedures and methods of execution of works and services for 550 thousand euros were monitored.


In the activity of fight against organized crime and economic-financial, “the action of the Corps aims to block criminal infiltration into the legal economy and, at the same time, to protect the free market and respect for the rules of healthy competition” said the colonel.

In detail on money laundering and self-laundering 19 interventions were carried out, which led to the reporting of 26 people, of which 10 were arrested, and to the reconstruction of illicit operations for 33 million euros.
Over 149 suspicious financial flows generated by operators of the anti-money laundering prevention system were investigated.

Special attention to illegal banking and financial activity: there are four interventions carried out in this area by the Fiamme Gialle, and 8 subjects reported.

In the field of bankruptcy crimes, 5 interventions were carried out, with the reporting of 13 subjects, diversions ascertained for 7.2 million euros and the proposed seizure for 2.7 million euros, while with reference to the conduct of usury and extortion 3 subjects were reported.

In application of anti-mafia legislation90 subjects were subjected to asset checks, which led to seizure proposals for 5.4 million euros.

Then, 1,182 checks were carried out following requests received from the Prefects of the Republic, referring to checks functional to the release of anti-mafia documentation.

On the side of protection of the market for goods and services, 20 interventions were carried out, 9 mandates of the Judicial Authority were developed and 4 subjects were reported. This led to the seizure of 45,800 counterfeit products, with false indication of being made in Italy, unsafe and in violation of copyright law.

Furthermore, 3 interventions were carried out in the agri-food sector, with the reporting of 1 person and the seizure of a total of 499 kg of products, as they did not comply with the provision of food information to consumers.


“The control of the territory and the communication routes that cross the province was ensured, during the year, by 1460 patrols engaged in the public utility service 117 and in the economic control of the territory, as well as by a permanent device to combat illicit trafficking which sees various parts of the departments present in the province permanently engaged” explained Commander Dell’Anna.

“The collaboration activity with the other Police Forces continued, at a local level, with which the Corps, with a view to continuous synergy, provided its contribution of a competitive nature for the protection of order and public security”.

In this regard, in 2023, 238 man-days were used in public order services during demonstrations, sporting events, and other events. This commitment, which is continuing in 2024, has led to an overall use of 78 man-days in public order services. lb

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