Turin – The restyling of the Carluccio, Pavese and Passerin D’Entreves libraries begins: the project – Turin News 24

Turin – The restyling of the Carluccio, Pavese and Passerin D’Entreves libraries begins: the project – Turin News 24
Turin – The restyling of the Carluccio, Pavese and Passerin D’Entreves libraries begins: the project – Turin News 24

Turin – Restyling of the Carluccio, Pavese and Passerin D’Entreves libraries: the project

Pnrr: projects approved for the maintenance of the Carluccio, Pavese, Passerin D’Entreves libraries and the youth protagonism centers ‘Neverland’ and ‘Centro Inside’

Not just book deposits, but a sort of platform for accessing cultural content, for informing oneself, for producing and regenerating knowledge, public spaces that will become more welcoming and inclusive, real aggregation centers and cultural reference points for neighborhoods and for the city, libraries are the heart of the Integrated Urban Plan of the City of Turin, the fulcrum of urban regeneration interventions on the neighborhood offices and on the urban fabric that hosts them.

The City Council, in the last session, on the proposal of the Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Heritage Michela Favaro, approved the executive projects of extraordinary maintenance of the Luigi Carluccio, Cesare Pavese and Passerin D’Entreves civic librarieson the centers of youth protagonism ‘L’isola che non c’è’ and ‘Centrointerno’ and on the Civic Center of Monte Ortigara 95.

The interventions aim to improve the use of the properties, safeguarding the buildings, encouraging their safe use and allowing the regular carrying out of the activities, through the restoration of the functionality of the architectural elements, the reuse of the environments, as well as the optimization the management of existing systems and their redevelopment. Work is also planned to redevelop the external space and green areas and eliminate architectural barriers around the libraries.

“Libraries are an infrastructure of social relations and public participation, places that do not aim at passive entertainment or commercial exchange, but cultural reference points that offer opportunities to be together – explains Deputy Mayor Michela Favaro – Redevelop them to improve their The accessibility and quality of spaces will have positive consequences for sociality and inclusion, contributing to the well-being and health of individuals and communities”.

The “Luigi Carluccio” library and the Civic Center, home to municipal offices and associations, will be subject to functional adaptation for the new use needs. The planned actions concern the energy requalification of the structure, the adaptation of the premises, the renewal of the systems and the safety of the building. In particular, the roofs and shelters will be restored, the curtain walls, false ceilings and floors will be replaced and all the systems will be redone to improve energy efficiency and safety (electrical system, lighting, heating and cooling, water and sewerage, fire prevention and video surveillance). The internal and external spaces will also be rearranged with new furnishings and the library will be equipped with new digital infrastructures to facilitate the use of contents and services for citizens. The external area and the fence will be redeveloped with the arrangement of green areas, paths, seats and new vertical and horizontal signs.

The “Cesare Pavese” and “Alessandro Passerin d’Entrèves” libraries and the public spaces around the two cultural centers will be redeveloped, starting with the renovation of the buildings to improve their functionality and energy efficiency. The intervention will also concern the fire prevention and video surveillance systems and structures, the furnishings for the internal and external environments will be rearranged and the libraries will be equipped with new digital infrastructures to facilitate the use of contents and services for citizens.

The public areas near the three libraries will be subject to maintenance interventions on road pavements and sidewalks, with the removal of architectural barriers, redevelopment of green areas, rehabilitation and pruning of trees.

The works foreseen also include building maintenance and plant adaptation of the warehouses and library deposits located in via Orvieto 57 in the former Superga factory.

For the centers for youth leadership “L’Isola che non c’è” in via Rubino 24 and “Centro Dentro” in Corso Siracusa 225, the building will be renovated with the bringing of the toilets and systems up to standard, as well as to improve the use of spaces (offices and multipurpose rooms).

Coordination, accompaniment and citizen participation activities in the Integrated Urban Plan will also be carried out in the libraries. Actions in favor of adolescents and young people will be co-planned with the third sector.

The total expenditure foreseen for the interventions is 11 million and 525 thousand euros of which 9 million and 500 thousand euros (5 million 856 thousand and 300 euros for the works on the Luigi Carluccio civic library and the Civic Center; 5 million and 286 thousand euros for the works on the Pavese civic libraries , Passerin D’Entreves and on the centers for youth protagonism ‘Neverland’ and ‘Centre Inside’) financed with resources from the Pnrr ‘Integrated Urban Plan – More’ and 1 million and 625 thousand euros with resources from the ‘ Fund for the start-up of non-deferrable works.

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