the selfie on the beach after Thomas’ murder. “They just wanted to kill”

the selfie on the beach after Thomas’ murder. “They just wanted to kill”
the selfie on the beach after Thomas’ murder. “They just wanted to kill”

Rome, 27 June 2024 – Now there is also the photo. Finally printed. That of the alleged murderers of Thomas Christopher Luciani who, an hour after having tortured him around 5.20pm on Sunday afternoon, a Pescaraon the back of the Baden Powell park, they pose on the beach to celebrate the mission accomplished: 6.21pm the smartphone flashes. Clenched fist and proudly displayed pride. And even if the description of this further insult to the massacred 16-year-old has been circulating since Tuesday afternoon, observing the image really generates another emotional impact. It expresses all the ferocity of an absurd crime. A drug dealing debt of just over 200 euros – the price of a pair of sneakers in the approaching summer, a nonsense in the spoiled youth of Pescara all smoking and fashionable outfits – is transformed in the clouded minds of the protagonists into a criminal reason to restore the supposedly violated “respect”. The partial findings of the investigation confirm this the hyperbole of 25 shots inflicted by different hands, added to insults, threats, derision, crazy requests and acts of sadism. Even the demand that the victim not cry and a cigarette put out in the face as a final insult.

Grandmother Olga Cipriano with Thomas

Then “10 euros of weed to smoke on the beach”, as stated in the arrest decree, and the agreement that the execution would remain secret: “Between the five of us”. The two perpetrators, the visual witness (who instead initiated the complaint) and the other two members of the group remained in the public area of ​​the park and then went to the seaside with the others.

Thomas’s (nicknamed Crox) is a tribal murder inflicted with atrocious methods that the autopsy – entrusted by the L’Aquila minors’ prosecutor’s office to Dr. Cristian D’Ovidio and carried out yesterday afternoon – will now have to detail. The investigation, which investigators define as “very delicate”must in fact establish any different responsibilities of the peers under investigation – the son of the carabinieri marshal of a provincial station and the son of a legal professor of law –, yesterday assigned to separate provincial juvenile institutions. The arrest order validated by the juvenile court of L’Aquila “due to the seriousness of the fact and the accusations made against the suspects” in fact confirms “concretely the danger of escape”. According to the investigating judge Roberto Ferrari, “the obstinate intention to pre-establish an alternative truth to what has been highlighted by the investigations” indicates – in concrete terms – “the ability to disappear, even for a limited period of time but such as to jeopardize the judicial action”, considering the possibilities of the “social environments” of origin. “The circumstantial framework – denounces the investigating judge – highlights the harmful impulse as the determining cause of the action, that of causing suffering and killing a human being, to the point of almost integrating the futile motive”, i.e. the “merely apparent and in reality non-existent” reason , which conceals the only true intent, to cause suffering and death.”

Marco Di Giulio, lawyer of one of the two boys under investigation, takes all the time necessary to establish a sensible defense strategy: “The investigations are the usual ones, except to understand clearly whether the boy was hit by a right-handed or left-handed person”. According to the lawyer, knowing “where and how the blows came from“, will allow us to better organize the defense. The request for a precautionary measure appears incongruous. “I don’t think this is the time”, he acknowledges. “We await the outcome of the investigations and the verification of all the investigative activity to then make the choices procedural. We need to understand who did what“, without prejudice to the fact that this “does not change the essence of the matter much”. At the moment the two suspects accused of wanting to “cause suffering and death” are not accused of premeditation, but only of “trivial reasons”, a circumstance which, if confirmed in court, it could lead to the application of mitigating circumstances and alternative measures.

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