Differentiated Autonomy, Libera Calabria joins the appeal of ‘Unasolaitalia’ mayors

Catanzaro – “We join the ‘Unasolaitalia’ appeal to ask the Calabria Region to challenge the government-initiated bill on the implementation of the differentiated autonomy of the ordinary statute Regions before the Constitutional Court”. This is what we read in a note from the Libera Calabria regional secretariat.

“An act of responsibility – he continues – which unites many Calabrian mayors concerned about the devastating effects that the entry into force of this law could have on the provision of services by the bodies closest to the needs and requests of the citizens, i.e. the municipalities. ‘An unsustainable project’ as defined by the Calabrian bishops which, if implemented, will give institutional form to the territorial selfishness of the richest part of the country, amplifying and crystallizing the already existing territorial gaps, with very serious damage to the most vulnerable people and defenseless. Even Don Luigi Ciotti, president of Libera, in a recent meeting held in Lamezia Terme as part of the Trame festival, underlined that: ‘the scandal of inequalities and poverty in our country cannot be addressed with one million people in absolute poverty and ten million in relative poverty, promoting differentiated strategies. Autonomy cannot be differentiated because freedom is a common good. Our Constitution was created to unite, not to divide'”. “On the contrary – continues Libera – social policies are needed that create the conditions to guarantee the right to have a home, to health and to offer a vision of the future for our young people forced to leave Calabria due to lack of opportunities, while over a third of those who remain do not study or work. In fact, General Carlo Alberto dalla Chiesa said that the ‘State will be able to defeat the mafias when it manages to guarantee as rights what the mafias give as favors’, namely work, school, healthcare. All things that would be further questioned with what is defined as ‘the secession of the rich'”.

“In the hope that many other mayors of our region will be able to sign this appeal – concludes Libera – we are certain that the governor Roberto Occhiuto and the president of the regional council Filippo Mancuso will not remain indifferent to a stance taken by an entire region against a a measure which risks, by betraying the constitutional spirit of solidarity and subsidiarity, a further worsening in an already highly compromised scenario such as that of Calabria”.


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