Valbioeconomics, green chemistry and circular economy in Basilicata

As the European Union reminds us, to combat climate change and its consequences at a global level it is necessary to reduce the production of waste and greenhouse gas emissions, simultaneously increasing the use of renewable biological resources through the valorisation of organic waste coming from from agriculture, forests, cities and industry.

The so-called “bioeconomy” therefore has a key role in the circular economy, which promotes the reuse, reconditioning and recycling of materials and products, proposing an alternative model to that of the traditional economy, based on the availability of large quantities of materials and of energy easily available and at a low price.

In 2020, the European Union presented the action plan for a new circular economy, to “change the way we produce and consume”, and indicate “the path forward to progress towards a climate neutral and competitive economy, where consumers are empowered.”

At the same time, through the resources of the Cohesion Policy, the EU ensures its support for bioeconomy and green chemistry projects such as Valbioeconomia – Valorisation of plant biomass for a zero-waste circular economy, financed for 2,859,400.86 by the Basilicata Region through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2014 – 2020.

The project is coordinated by Soleto SpA, a leading company in telecommunications and energy efficiency, in collaboration with a partnership composed of the University of Basilicata and four companies – Progetto Ambiente, Società Mediterranea, Risorse Srl, Servizi e investimenti innovativi.

The objective of Valbioeconomia is to use biomass of vegetal origin derived from the cultivation of grass crops, such as corn, and of multiple uses, such as hemp and microalgae, to produce biofuels, through an integrated multidisciplinary approach that will allow to obtain products diversified with zero waste.

Like all Mediterranean areas, Basilicata is also suffering the consequences of high levels of water stress and climate change, which produce a negative impact on agriculture, causing instability and leading to migratory phenomena and abandonment of the territories.

Through the valorisation of the products and by-products of the agri-food industry, projects such as Valbioeconomia can significantly contribute to addressing these problems, having a positive impact on the economic development of these territories.

The project is carried out with the contribution of the European Commission. The authors of the articles are the creators and responsible for the editorial contents. The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use made of the information and opinions reported.

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