The policeman father of one of the witnesses is shocked: “Now I have eternal respect for Thomas” – Pescara

PESCARA. Sunday evening he was watering when his eldest son called him and his wife to tell them what his brother had just confided in him. And that is that there was a boy dead in the park and that two of his friends had stabbed him to death that afternoon. A handful of seconds to go from the serenity of a Sunday evening with the family, to the hell that in the space of a few hours, until dawn the following day, Monday, then fell on the families of the two boys accused of the murder, on the family of the poor boy killed and throughout the city, until it became a case that shook the whole of Italy.

read also:

Thomas’ body is taken away from the crime scene

The brother of one of the minors under investigation: “You pay for what he did to Thomas” / UPDATES
City in shock, notes and flowers at the scene of the murder. And other chilling implications of what happened emerge. The story of the key witness, the photo at the seaside and the phrase: “he’s dead”. Thomas’ grandmother: you can’t kill a boy like that

Faced with the words of the 17-year-old who recounted the horror he had witnessed a few hours earlier, the Carabinieri officer acted with the sense of duty of someone who wears the uniform and the heart of someone who knows how much the life of a child is worth. And so in a few seconds he shouted at his boyfriend to get into the car and was taken to the scene. He did everything to save Thomas, he hoped that he was alive, he made way for the rescuers: he was dead. «My son will live a life of surrender, as we say. I want him to keep in mind what happened over time, to keep alive the memory of the boy he saw die and to live up to it.” The colonel of the carabinieri already on duty in Pescara and now in another province of the region says to Il Corriere della Sera.

When they ask him if this thought of his is a sort of perpetual respect for the victim, the colonel has no doubts: “Yes, that’s it.” In another part of the interview the father carabiniere explains that «not only do I not absolve myself as a father, but I say that no adult here can really do it, and that perhaps it is worse than how you are representing it», in reference to the press.


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