Reflections on Differentiated Autonomy: Social Impacts and Civic Engagement in Lamezia Terme

A meeting between the Lametini scout leaders of the Agesci Zona Reventino, ecclesiastical authorities and experts on the future of regional inequalities in Italy

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In recent days the Lamezia scout leaders of the Agesci Zona Reventino met in the Episcopal Seminary of the Diocese of Lamezia Terme to try to better understand the social impact of the Calderoli DDL now law on Differentiated Autonomy.

Accompanying the Lamezia leaders in this meeting, in addition to the Area Managers, Gisella Ferraro and Giovanni Bevilacqua, were present to report, the Bishop of the Diocese of Lamezia Mons. Serafino Parisi, the Agesci Calabria Regional Manager Avv. Marco Cariati and Professor Giorgio Marcello Unical teacher and researcher of the sociology department.

After a brief examination of the law, the attention of the three speakers and the audience was focused on the social problems that a region like ours will encounter if the law becomes enforceable in the next few periods. “The direction and political objective of this choice does not it seems to put people and inclusive policies, the vocations of the territories, the harmonious growth of the entire national territory at the centre; rather, in light of the already existing inequalities, the Regions which have always struggled to have acceptable levels of welfare will increasingly accentuate insurmountable differences especially in the field of health protection, education and personal services. This risk cannot be underestimated by politics and politicians, defined by Pope Francis as a particular vocation and one of the most precious forms of charity.”

In this regard, Bishop Parisi underlined the importance of putting the PERSON back at the center of every discussion: any law or decision-making process of those who govern, at whatever level, cannot fail to take into account the value of the person and those who are his needs, expectations and everything that must be guaranteed to lead a just and dignified life. Bishop Parisi, referring to the document drawn up by the CEC, expressed his concern for the social scenarios that are emerging in the area. We should BE INDIGNANT because they are asking us to be resilient, to resist a social impact that they don’t even try to avoid.

The Regional Manager, Avv. Marco Cariati, also reminds us that the first political commitment of the leaders of the Association is precisely the care of the person, a commitment devoted to the education of the young generations. In adhering to the fundamental values ​​and choices expressed in the Association Pact, the pact that commits us leaders of Agesci to active and responsible participation in daily life, commits us to a choice of discernment, commits us to choices of service towards others , commits us to openness to the territory and to welcoming it with prophetic courage.

We are also aware that it is necessary to provide quality, equitable and inclusive education and permanently promote opportunities for growth and life experiences for everyone, respecting their own identity and pursuing the common good.

On several occasions, Professor Marcello then highlighted that differentiated autonomy will accentuate the already existing disparities between the richer and less developed regions, both due to the different territorial nature of the regions and the situations of serious disparities in social rights; Professor Marcello says that the most worrying thing is that the law will accentuate the civil gap between the regions, effectively crystallising situations that already exist. The economic divide can cause problems but does not undermine the unity of a country but the civil divide generates a rift that will gradually become deeper. Yet the professor continues, in the region we would also have the availability to heal part of this gap, but the atavistic problem of our region remains the mismanagement of resources, a political and governmental organization that does not know how to use funds intended to guarantee citizenship rights. it is not a question of establishing a system of vertical subsidiarity but of establishing a new way of accompanying the country towards the construction of a more just and cohesive society. It therefore reminds us of the responsibility of every single citizen in not abstaining from voting, in not forgetting to inform themselves and form their own critical conscience which allows them to take a position where it is needed.

The invitation of all three speakers is therefore the same as the one addressed to us by the Calabrian Episcopal Conference: “We cannot remain indifferent, we must find ways to develop the awareness that the country will have a future only if we all know how to weave together and intentionally re-weave bonds of solidarity, at all levels”.

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