readings, meetings and films on cycling in Florence –


Waiting for the Tour in Florence – To celebrate the departure of the Tour de France, from Florence, France Odeon in collaboration with the Institut Français Italia and Cinema La Compagnia, in the framework of the Florentine Summer 2024 – Municipality of Florence, presents Waiting for the Tour, cycling in 5 great cinema classics, which from Tuesday 25th to Friday 28th June 2024, will enliven Piazza Ognissanti with screenings, readings, presentations and Italian and international guests, before moving on the last evening, 29th June, to Piazzale degli Uffizi in the “Apriti Cinema” arena.

Five great classics of French and Italian cinema dedicated to the history and spirit of a sport made of passion and determination, capable of evoking deep emotions. From the 25th to the 28th evening in the arena set up in the splendid Piazza Ognissanti overlooking the Arno, where the historic headquarters of the Institut Français Firenze is located, the following will be presented, free of charge: the crackling animated feature film by Sylvain Chomet, Les Triplettes de Belleville; the passionate documentary film Wonderful Losers: A Different World, directed by Arūnas Matelis, about the unknown world of cycling domestiques; the hilarious Totò al giro d’Italia, by Mario Mattoli from 1948, the first film that brought Italians into the world of great cycling, where Fausto Coppi and Gino Bartali also appear, among others; La Grande boucle by Laurent Tuel, set along the stages of the 2012 Tour de France and Jour de fête by Jacques Tati, a masterpiece of French cinema, which will instead be shown at the “Apriti Cinema” Arena on the 29th.



The inauguration of Waiting for the tourTuesday 25 June at 9.30pmwill be in the company of Malabrocca Brigade, a group passionate about historical cycling and refreshment stops in Florence, who will tell us about Luigi Malabrocca (Tortona, 1920 – Garlasco, 2006), who inspired the historic Black Jersey of the Giro d’Italia, a jersey that no longer exists today, symbol of the last runner in the general classification which also included a cash prize. And Malabrocca – known as “Mala” or the “Chinese” for his narrow eyes – was an absolute master at finding stratagems to waste time.

The screening will follow Les Triplettes de Belleville (2003, in French with Italian subtitles), animated film, written and directed by Sylvain Chomet, light, ironic, without dialogue, where much of its magic is due to the soundtrack, made up of music, sounds and songs, a tribute to Keaton and Tati. It tells the story of Champion, a melancholy boy, orphaned of his parents and adopted by his grandmother, Madame Souza. Given his passion for cycling, Madame Souza gives him a bicycle and over the years Champion becomes a cycling ace, so much so that he races in the famous Tour de France. But during the race he is kidnapped by two mysterious men in black. Madame Souza and her faithful dog Bruno immediately set out to find him. Once they reach the other side of the ocean, they meet the “Triplettes de Belleville”, music hall singers of the 1930s. Will they be able to defeat the powerful French mafia and find Champion safe and sound?

Wednesday 26 the program will open at 6.30pm, in Piazza Ognissantiwith Readings on a bicycle, extracts from literary texts or essays on cycling chosen from a participatory bibliography and read aloud, in Italian and French, edited by the Institute and the French Bookshop. The French bookshop will remain open until 9pm from the 26th to the 28th.

To follow, at 6.45 pm, at the Institut Français Media Librarythe journalist Manlio Pisu will illustrate the themes covered in his book “Stendhal on a bicycle. Author’s cycling itineraries and bike economy”, Il Sole 24 Ore Editions. The author, who has worked in Italy and abroad for important newspapers on economic-financial topics in the context of European integration, is a passionate cycle traveller, supporter of cycle tourism as the engine of the bike economy. In his free time, he travels inch by inch, riding his bike, across the Bel Paese in search of new itineraries, and dreams of an Italy with a network of cycle paths up to the most advanced international standards.

The film chosen for this evening at 9.00 pm And Wonderful Losers: A Different World of Lithuanian Arūnas Matelis (2017, in the original version with Italian and English subtitles) produced by Valentina Quinn with her

Quinn Studios Entertainment. Award-winning documentary and winner, among many, of the Trieste Film Festival in 2018. A docufilm on the figures of the most important team members in the history of cycling, always behind the group, without the right to a personal victory. These magnificent underdogs are the true warriors of professional cycling. It is not simply a documentary on the Giro d’Italia. There is no mention of champions fighting each other, of pink or cyclamen jerseys, nor of the doping that has plagued the most prestigious competitions for decades. The point of view chosen by Matelis is precisely that of those who constitute the backbone of the sport itself: the team members.

It will be introduced by the director, producer Algimantė Matelienė and champion Edita Pučinskaitė.

Thursday 27 Juneat 8.00pm, after the 7.00 pm appointment with Readings on the bikestill in Piazza Ognissanti, will be the turn of Fantacycling tells Fantacyclinga startup that unites the community of cycling fans, offering an engaging and interactive experience.

It will continue with a great classic of Italian cinema, at 9.00 pm with Totò on the Tour of Italy directed by Mario Mattoli. Presented by Valeria d’Ambrosio, curator of the exhibition TOUR DE FRANCE | promise and torture. The Italian champions of the Grande Boucle in the former convent of Sant’Orsola, and Paolo Pellegrini, cycling journalist, passionate about cycling and Totò.

In the film, a wonderful Totò sells his soul to the devil to conquer a girl. In order to marry her, he must win the Giro d’Italia, in an era in which this historic cycling competition sees the participation of sacred monsters such as Bartali, Coppi, but also great riders such as the Frenchman Bobet. Therefore, to secure the undertaking, he decides to compromise with Lucifer. In the undertaking he will find the help of his mother. After all, we all know that women always know more than the devil.

On the eve of the start of the Tour de France, on Friday 28 June, at 5pm, the exhibition will open to the public at the Museum of Sant’Orsolaa fascinating tribute to the seven Italian cyclists who won the Tour de France through a selection of historical photographs, archive footage and period objects. The exhibition will remain open to the public until the end of the Tour de France on 21 July.

At 18.00 the usual will take place Salon de lecturean online initiative, curated by the Institute and the French Bookshop, an invitation to collective reading on the theme of cycling.

For this day it will be projected, at 9.30pmthe film The Great Boucle, directed by Laurent Tuel (2013, in French with Italian subtitles). The comedy which also features former champions Bernard Hinault and Laurent Jalabert (many scenes were filmed during the 2012 Tour), centers on François Nouel, played by Clovis Cornillac, a big fan of the Tour de France. One unfortunate day his boss fires him and his wife leaves him. He then decides to do the Grande Boucle, that is, cover each stage of the race one day ahead of the real competitors. Little by little other amateur cyclists inspired by that challenge joined his feat. The obstacles are many. Fans and media become passionate about François’ race, arousing envy of the yellow jersey of the Tour who sees himself stealing the show. François must be stopped!

The long-awaited date of the Grand Départ, Saturday 29 June 2024 it’s the last appointment with Waiting for the Tour which moves from Piazza Ognissanti to Piazzale degli Uffizi in the “Apriti Cinema” Arena, at 9.45pmthe public will be able to see Day of celebrationdebut film by Jacques Tati (1949, in French with Italian subtitles), a real gem, winner of the award for best screenplay at the Venice Film Festival in 1949 and the Grand Prix du Cinéma Français in 1950. Critically acclaimed, it established the director and actor Tati as one of the most brilliant and innovative personalities of French cinema. The quiet of the village of Sainte-Sévère is shattered for the day of celebration. Rides, a shooting gallery and a tent to screen a film are set up. Postman François, after watching a documentary on the efficiency of postal services in the United States, sets out to become just like postmen overseas.


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