Digitalization and environmental sustainability in Abruzzo manufacturing

Digitalization and environmental sustainability in Abruzzo manufacturing
Digitalization and environmental sustainability in Abruzzo manufacturing

ABRUZZO – The Themes and Problems 2/2024, published by CRESA – Study Center of the Development Agency – Special Company of the Gran Sasso d’Italia Chamber of Commerce – is dedicated to the digitalisation of the Abruzzo manufacturing system with particular regard to sustainability environmental, and the result of a survey involving almost 250 manufacturing companies with at least 10 employees.

A complex picture emerges, with signs of improvement compared to the past but still a long way to go. 63% of the companies interviewed use these technologies and more than half of the others, in line with the difficult economic situation, do not use them due to a lack of resources (financial, human or IT). 53% of digitized businesses declare they have only one digitized macro area (many of which are probably new entries) and almost 10% have four or more. The orientation towards innovation prevails in the functions upstream of and in the production processes (design, engineering, purchasing and production) compared to those aimed at potential or current end markets (marketing, sales and customer assistance). Almost all of the digitalized companies and more than 30% of those that are not have stated that the adoption of these innovative processes produces benefits, mainly the reduction of error risks and the improvement of communication. 84% of the digitalized ones and 55% of the others intend to make investments in interconnected production machinery, marketing areas, sales and customer assistance, training and updating of human resources and reduction of error risks. That part of non-digitalised companies that indicate benefits and intend to invest in the future most likely constitutes the group of those that will head in this direction in the near future.

About the aspects green just under 90% of digitalized companies and just over 83% of those that are not believe that environmental impacts should be considered in digital choices and practices. Both highlight the business strategy, monitoring and optimization of energy consumption, the adoption of procurement criteria, the recycling and reuse of disused equipment and the implementation of environmental management/certification systems as priority options.

Finally, 83% of digitalized companies and 81% of those that have not declared themselves digitally believe that technologies can contribute to environmental sustainability: these are high percentages that demonstrate a high degree of sensitivity towards an interrelated vision of the two themes. In terms of methods of use, the preferences expressed most often concern the optimization of raw materials, the reduction of emissions, pollution and waste management, the production of sustainable energy, the reduction of packaging and transport costs and the activation of paperless administrative processes.

According to President Quaianni, Abruzzo companies have begun to seize the opportunities arising from the changes taking place. After all, the path is mandatory: the transition to a sustainable economy through digital transformation green it is the great challenge, the fulcrum of European policies to restart the economy through the relaunch of production and investments. Digital and green they are two sides of the same coin, the medal that rewards the only recovery capable of guaranteeing a future.

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