with fake diplomas they taught in Lombardy. 3 people sentenced

with fake diplomas they taught in Lombardy. 3 people sentenced
with fake diplomas they taught in Lombardy. 3 people sentenced

The Court of Auditors condemned three people, fake support teachers, who from Salerno taught in various schools in Lombardy with fake diplomas and no specialization. Now they will have to compensate the Ministry of Education

There are three people who over the years have passed themselves off as real support professors and who, in different provinces of Lombardy, taught in various institutes for the disabled without having obtained a specialization certificate. Now, the Court of Auditors condemns the three fake teachers to compensate the Ministry for all salaries received in subsequent years.

Fake support teachers accused of fraud. Fake diplomas for teaching in schools in Lombardy (Milano.cityrumors.it)

From Salerno, AP, born in 1969taught for a year – from 4 October 2018 to 30 June 2019 – as a support teacher for pupils with disabilities in a comprehensive institute in Mantua. In order to be qualified to teach, the man declared (falsely) to be in possession of the teaching diploma he was born in specialization diploma for support achieved in 1997 in Campania. Same scam also for the other two fake professors.

The scam of the 3 fake support teachers

Among the three fake teachers there is also a woman who defrauded the state by making false statements. ES was born in Salerno as well as the other two fake support teachers, and taught from 3 to 17 October 2016 in an inclusive Mantua and, subsequently, without interruption, from 2016 to 2018 in another one in the same province, dedicating himself to children with disabilities.

Fake support teachers accused of fraud. Fake diplomas for teaching in schools in Lombardy

She too, to access teaching, ensured that she possessed the certificate of master’s degreeas well as the specialization diploma for support obtained in the same socio-cultural foundation of Castellabate as in the case of AP, the other fake teacher from Campania.

Finally there is MS, also born in Salerno. Born in 1971, the man worked as a school assistant in two schools in the province of Bergamo for almost a year: from the end of September 2018 to the beginning of June 2019. And to achieve this, he too falsely declared that he had achieved the qualification of “bar operator” even with top marks in one professional institute of Castellabate.

The investigation

The three false teachers do not only have in common their geographical origin (Salerno) and the choice to move to Lombardy but they are all involved in the investigations by the Vallo della Lucania Prosecutor’s Office who in recent years have unmasked an immense fraud precisely on the receipt of fake diplomas and certificates obtained after the payment of a thousand euros and used by buyers to be able to teach or cover other roles within Italian schools.

For forgery and fraud, AP in 2022 he settled for 1 year, 4 months and 17 days in prison after it was certified that the fake teacher had made false declarations on the diplomas obtained and attached to the “making available” application presented in 2018 in Mantua. The woman, ES was sent to trial for fraud, forgery and participation in corruption. In the end MS pleaded guilty to forgery and aggravated fraud to the detriment of the school administration.

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The ruling of the Court of Auditors

Now the. has also arrived for the little group judgment of the Court of Auditors of Lombardy, which in two out of three cases condemned the fake teachers to reimburse the Ministry of Education for the salaries collected fraudulently. In the photocopy sentences on AP and ES, as also reported by the Dayit is read:

“In the event of access to public employment positions obtained through false certification of possession of the required educational qualification, there is a case of illegality of the cause which, pursuant to article 2126 of the civil code, deprives the work performed of relative protection, given the conflict with fundamental and general rules and with the basic public principles of the legal system”.

In the end, “the work performed in the absence of the prescribed and declared qualification does not bring any benefit to the public body and determines the disappearance of the synallagmatic relationship between performance and remuneration, making the actual performance of an activity irrelevant”. The two will have to compensate respectively: 14,442.49 euros and 18,098.80 euros. While, MS will not have to return the 9 thousand euros earned since his lawyer produced a accountant diplomaachieved in 1990, a sufficient result to be a school assistant.

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