Forlì Grande Musica: 9 unmissable events with Emilia Romana Festival in the city and surrounding areas!

Forlì Grande Musica: 9 unmissable events with Emilia Romana Festival in the city and surrounding areas!
Forlì Grande Musica: 9 unmissable events with Emilia Romana Festival in the city and surrounding areas!

(Sixth Power) – Forlì – 25 June 2024 – Also for this summer Forlì Grande Musica returns to leave its mark on the musical life of Forlì with eight events featuring the best performers of the moment, with a constant eye on the infinite connections between sounds and words. We are proud to announce that in Forlì, ERF will receive a thank you scroll and a medal from Unicef ​​for the promotional and charitable activities carried out in favor of children. We also remember the extraordinary concert in Tredozio in favor of reconstruction carried out in collaboration with the Toscanini Foundation.

The exhibition takes place as always within the framework of Emilia Romagna Festival (ERF), a long musical itinerary which has been part of the musical life of the city for 24 years and which inaugurates this year in Forlì the July 3 and it closesSept. 11putting on an impressive edition in the name of ‘classic is contemporary‘ with 56 extraordinary appointments And more than 600 artists involved, coming from all parts of the world.

From classical to jazz, from pop to ethnic music, from musical theater to dance and world music, the festival signs a program search for a new definition of “classic”breaking temporal boundaries and embracing multidisciplinarity, with the aim of exploring unexpected connections and bringing classical music to an ever wider and more varied audience.

International cast, artists and high-ranking management, the coordinates of this research are clear: the inauguration, on 3 July at the San Mercuriale Abbey in Forlì, is a declaration of our artistic roots, entrusted to an extraordinarily current music giant, Claudio Monteverdiand to one of his masterpieces the Vespers of the Blessed Virgin, a concert that is a gesture of love towards Great Music. Monteverdi, a character of such depth that he needs no introduction, had an intuition that, in hindsight, might even seem banal: in addition to the semantic meaning of the word, he understood that it, in its essence, was already sound and had its own rhythm. It was therefore a question of giving a (musical) form to this revelation. We all know how it ended: the Opera was born! a “product” – using today’s language – which in the centuries to come will become a symbol and identifier of our country.

The Vespro, who benefited from this extraordinary intuition, it has a fundamental place in the history of music for its incredible richness which not only has an intimate value for its moments of prayer, but also incorporates profane music into its fabric in a work clearly dedicated to a religious function.

They are the prestigious interpreters Venice Monteverdi Academyan ensemble that is a point of reference in the philological performance of ancient music, supported by“Lorenzo Da Ponte” Orchestra and from Schola Gregoriana Reale Corte Armonica Choir “Caterina Cornaro” – Asolodirected by Ernest Hoetzl.

From the monumental to the small, with Enoch Arden on July 6 to Caterina’s Fortress, a piece that has marked the history of music and which, thanks to the refined text of bourgeois extraction but with a strong Victorian romantic breath, brings the protagonist, a young sailor in love and shipwreck, closer to the most important figures of English romantic literature. With great theatrical sensitivity, Strauss introduced a narrative structure not present in the original poem, dividing it into two parts, like two acts of a drama: the first goes from the debut which introduces the protagonists to Annie’s marriage to Philip; the second goes from the flashback with Enoch’s shipwreck, his life on the desert island, his return, up to his death. The music accompanies, supports, underlines and punctuates the story, passing from melancholic and wintry tones with misty and rainy suggestions to nocturnal atmospheres, to the point of suggesting the sound of the sea, the smell of salt…

Performed by the intense voice of Vanessa Gravina, always on the scene: a 6 months protagonist of a stroller advertisement for Carosello, at 7 years old on the radio then at 11 years old on the big screen she obtained a nomination for the Nastro d’argento as best new actress. Since then she has played countless roles in the cinema, in the theater with Strehler and Liliana Cavani. She is known to everyone in the role of Adelaide di Sant’Erasmo, in Ithe ladies’ paradise of Rai 1. She will be accompanied on the piano by Stefano Giavazzi.

Continue the collaboration with the Chinese Government on the project of The Silk Roads. The July 27 at the Diego Fabbri Theater with the China Symphony Orchestra in Ningboa large 62-piece international orchestra, founded in 2015 and quickly becoming one of China’s leading orchestras, led here by its chief conductor Ji Yu, who is also deputy conductor of the China Philharmonic Orchestra, with the soloist Lei Chen on the pipa, a four-stringed instrument often referred to as the “Chinese lute”. The collaboration with this wonderful orchestra is also an opportunity to celebrate the 700th anniversary of Marco Polo’s deathwho among other things was governor of the city of Ningbo, one of the oldest cities in China and an important point on the maritime Silk Road.

Thanks to the Morricone family who provided us with the score, music by will be performed Ennio Morricone taken from the hit television series Marco Polo. The program is completed with another great contemporary composer: Tan Dunalso a Grammy and Oscar winner.

The concert is organized in collaboration with the Ljubljana Festival and the Ningbo Municipality.

The July 31st at Rocca di Caterina, another great team but this time Italian. AND The Toscanini NEXT directed by Roger Catino, with a unique concert that evokes emotions and memories linked to the most unforgettable films and the most iconic songs in the history of rock. From the majestic sounds of Richard Strauss in “2001: A Space Odyssey” to the medleys of musicals such as Mary Poppins, Jesus Christ Superstar And Hairup to the timeless hits of Queen, ABBA and Metallica.

Two events follow, the result of the stable and prolonged collaboration, which began in 2000, of the Emilia Romagna Festival with the very prestigious Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition, of which the Festival hosts the winners again this year. The first to perform the August 9th at Caterina’s Fortress, they are the Aruna Quartet, First Prize and Gold Medal of the Fischoff Chamber Music Competition 2019, who were unable to perform in the Festival in 2020 due to the pandemic. Their 2024 repertoire is a brilliant mix of classic and contemporary, including a piece from Pulitzer Prize for Music 2010 Jennifer Higdon And two first Italian performances of Anglo-American composers, such as Night Music Of Emma O’Halloren And Tapas Of Marc Mellits.

The August 26 at the Cloister of Santa Lucia, the Poiesis Quartet, winner of the First Prize at the Fischoff Chamber Music Competition 2023, an ensemble of exceptionally talented musicians who in a short time has conquered the contemporary classical music scene. Like Aruna, they will also present a program centered on new music by composers overseas, including two songs in Italian premierethe String Quartet No. 2 by Eleanor Alberga and the String Quartet No. 3 of Kevin Lau.

An event is scheduled for September which is part of the path that ERF is dedicating to organs this year with the aim of highlighting the various valuable organs, ancient and modern, present in our territory. The September 2 in the Church of Sant’Antonio Abate in Ravaldino, the internationally renowned organist Giulio Mercati will make the ancient keyboards of Alessio Verati’s organ, built in 1858 and restored in 2004, resonate with a repertoire that pays homage to European baroque music.

Forlì Grande Musica – summer 2024it closes September 4th at the Church of the SS TrinitàWith the’Aïghetta Quartettrenowned Monegasque guitar ensemble of international fame, with a concert, From Classical to World Music, which spans the history of music and different genres. In addition to three pieces composed respectively by Philippe Loli, Alexandre Del Fa and Olivier Fautrat, historic members of Aighetta, the program also includes Two songs (Pollys Lied And Die Moritat von Mackie Messer) taken from the famous one The Threepenny Opera by Kurt Weill with the original arrangement by Nangialai Nashir.

With an extraordinary concert in Tredozio The August 1stThe Trio de La Toscanini Nextcomposed of three extraordinary young musicians, Andrea Coruzzi on the accordion, Eoin Setti on sax and Martin Mora on drums, he will perform in a street concert, in Via XX Settembre in front of Palazzo Fantini, in favor of Tredozio’s restart, a town hit first by the flood in Romagna and then by the earthquake in the Tuscan-Romagnolo Apennines. They will present a brilliant and engaging program composed of pieces by famous authors, ranging from classical music with jazz influences from Gershwin, to the famous new tango of Piazzolla, up to the music of Richard Galliano, the one who changed the course of the history of the accordion, and that of Iller Pattacini, composer of many waltzes, tangos, mazurkas and polkas, who was able to valorise the popular music of our territory. Entry will be free of charge and the proceeds will go towards the reconstruction of Tredozio.

Forlì Grande Musica is organized with the support of Ministry of Culture, Emilia-Romagna Region Municipality of Forlì, and with the support of numerous organizations and private individuals, such as Turkish Airlines, Romagna Acque, Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì Foundation, Gianni went, AutoSica.


Useful links

Facebook: Emilia Romagna Festival

Youtube: ERFestival


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