VIDEO Como, the producers sent away from the covered market. Lissi-Rapinese clash and accusations

VIDEO Como, the producers sent away from the covered market. Lissi-Rapinese clash and accusations
VIDEO Como, the producers sent away from the covered market. Lissi-Rapinese clash and accusations

It is a bipartisan front that stands in defense of the producers of the covered market (to be clear, the first pavilion arriving from the traffic lights between Viale Battisti and Via Mentana). Yesterday the complaint from the local leaders of Fratelli d’Italia: Como, FdI attack: “Rapinese sends producers away from the Covered Market, unacceptable. He is hostile towards the people of Como”.

Today the clear stance of the PD group leader in the city council, Patrizia Lissi: “We have learned of the mayor’s decision to evict the producers of the covered market by the end of July. The reason is to be found in the necessary renovation works of the structure. And they are welcome, absolutely. However, another closure notice, another eviction notice, arriving suddenly, without dialogue and without a temporary alternative solution, is welcome, penalizing small companies and professionals who, with commitment and effort, they earn a living while offering quality products to citizens. Furthermore, the Municipality has not yet published the new allocation notice, leaving producers in a state of great uncertainty.”

“With a preliminary – continues Lissi – I asked the mayor if it was not possible to find an alternative location to avoid the interruption of an important service for the citizens and the serious financial loss for the producers, to whom all our support and our closeness, just as I asked for information on the start and end dates of the works and on the tenders. The response, as always, was not exhaustive, but the classic attack on previous administrations. Once again, therefore, Rapinese tried to hide his administrative and human shortcomings behind the past. The creator of the producers’ imminent difficulties, however, is he alone. On the closure and the consequent eviction, I proceeded to write a question. We are ready to meet the operators to collect their requests and work together to find an alternative”.

Last night in the city council, however, the mayor Alessandro Rapinese had already spoken on the issue.

The mayor claimed the rightness and reasons for the Municipality’s action and attacked the councils that preceded him for the maintenance work not carried out on the structure.

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