last weekend of June, between Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th with sun and heat, but watch out for hail

last weekend of June, between Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th with sun and heat, but watch out for hail
last weekend of June, between Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th with sun and heat, but watch out for hail

Weather forecast for the weekend

The last weekend of June will be characterized by lots of sun and rising temperatures, but be careful because between Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th there will be thunderstorms in some regions which could also cause treacherous hailstorms.

The two phenomena, intense heat and thunderstorms, they seem disconnected, but in reality they are much more connected than you might think. In fact, the ever-increasing presence of the scorching African anticyclone determines an increase in average temperatures and, consequently, a greater evaporation of sea water which then translates into fuel for extreme weather events.
Well, in the second part of the week the vast field of high pressure of subtropical origin it will try to conquer a good part of the Mediterranean basin, giving greater atmospheric stability for all of Italy and a new increase in temperatures.
However, a cyclone located over Western Europe, will pilot a storm front towards our country, with consequences for some of our regions.

All eyes focused, in particular, on the day of Saturday 29 June: we expect between the afternoon and evening showers intense, even in character stormy starting from Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta And Western Lombardy. Given the so much energy at play and the impetuous entry of the unstable and cooler air at altitude, we do not exclude places hailstorms, a bit like what happened during the last few days. During the following night, the bad weather will also extend to the North East, where the risk of strong thunderstorms will be high until the early hours of Sunday.

Areas at risk of strong thunderstorms during Saturday 29 June
Sunday 30 June the African anticyclone will extend more generally across a large part of Italy, offering a sunny day with temperatures reaching up to 35°C in the Centre-South and on the two major islands.
Local thunderstorms may erupt during the afternoon hours, but this time affecting almost exclusively the Alpine arc.

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