Waste management in Corigliano Rossano: technologies and laws | VIDEO

Waste management in Corigliano Rossano: technologies and laws | VIDEO
Waste management in Corigliano Rossano: technologies and laws | VIDEO

An important meeting was held this morning at the Ducal Castle of Corigliano, organized by Unpli (National Union of Local Police of Italy), focusing on waste management and the use of camera traps. These devices, increasingly used to combat the illegal abandonment of waste, have been at the center of discussions between sector experts and local authorities. The event saw the participation of experts from the UNPLI sector and the Commander of the Municipal Police of Corigliano Rossano Luigi Greco, which illustrated in detail the strategies and results obtained thanks to the implementation of these technologies. The camera trap system was introduced a few years ago and has shown promising results in combating waste abandonment. Commander Greco underlined how these technologies have significantly improved the operating methods of the local police. Camera traps, devices installed at strategic points to detect and record illicit activities, have made it possible to identify and sanction offenders more effectively. The Commander highlighted that, in addition to repressive activity, it is essential to promote a civic sense among citizens. «The activity of control and repression is essential, but without a strong civic sense on the part of the community, we cannot achieve lasting results», he has declared. Furthermore, the Municipal Police is engaged in continuous updates and training to stay abreast of legislative innovations and improve the effectiveness of operations. Staff training is crucial to ensuring that agents are informed of current regulations and can operate to the best of their abilities.

Separate waste collection and critical issues

A salient point of the intervention was the success of the separate waste collection in Corigliano Rossano, which hreached 72-73% in May, a notable achievement but one that still requires improvement. “Despite the high rate of separate waste collection, pockets of critical issues persist due to undisciplined citizens who continue to abandon waste,” declared the Commander. The use of camera traps and the certainty of sanctions are fundamental tools to combat these behaviors. Prevention has been highlighted as a key element in the fight against litter. Greco launched an appeal to citizens, inviting them to actively collaborate to keep the city clean and respect waste regulations. «Repression is important, but prevention and civic sense are even more important. Each of us must do our part.”, he concluded. This morning’s meeting represented a moment of reflection and discussion on how to improve waste management in Corigliano Rossano, with a particular focus on the use of camera traps and the importance of collaboration between authorities and citizens to create a more responsible and sustainable.

Regulatory uncertainty on the use of camera traps

The conference was attended by Massimiliano Mancini, General Secretary of the Italian Local Police Union and director of Etica Societas, who clearly outlined the legal obligations for municipalities in the use of camera traps, drones and other surveillance devices. Mancini explained that there is great regulatory uncertainty in Italy regarding the use of these surveillance tools. «It is mistakenly believed that the end justifies the means. But that’s not the case: no means is legitimate if it violates the law,” he said. He stressed that video surveillance must comply with European data protection rules, not to limit police activity, but to ensure that evidence is collected legitimately and that citizens’ privacy is respected. In Calabria, and in many other Italian regions, several administrative sanctions have been declared null and void due to regulatory irregularities. Mancini highlighted that «many administrations have been fined by the Privacy Guarantor, and these sanctions weigh on municipal budgets». He also warned against the use of devices that do not comply with safety standards, which can lead to the illicit dissemination of personal images on the internet. Mancini criticized the lack of consideration of data protection legislation by Italian public bodies, observing that “Italy is the second country in Europe for the number of sanctions, many of which concern public bodies”. He highlighted the need for councils to carry out impact assessments, install appropriate signage, and ensure that all regulatory requirements are met.

The importance of professionalism

The correct use of camera traps and other surveillance tools requires professionalism and competence. “It is not enough to install the devices: it is essential that they are managed in compliance with the regulations, and that those responsible are adequately trained,” said Mancini. You also highlighted the importance of having a competent and independent Data Protection Officer (DPO). The secretary concluded his speech with an appeal to legality, inviting administrations to strictly respect the regulations to avoid sanctions and protect citizens’ rights. “The bodies that should first protect legality cannot be illegal,” he declared, reiterating the importance of a compliant and transparent approach in the use of surveillance technologies. Giuseppe Izzo, Deputy Vice President of Unpli illustrated the notable development and importance of his association, founded in 2018 with the main objective of providing training to small local police commands. Currently, the Unpli counts among the 1500 and 2000 memberships per year, demonstrating steady growth on a national scale. «Our association is mainly dedicated to training in small commands», explained Izzo. With direct experience as commander of a municipality of 5,000 inhabitants, Izzo highlighted the challenges facing officers in these contexts and the importance of ongoing training support. Izzo criticized the lack of attention that some municipalities pay to training officers, despite the crucial importance of this preparation. “Often officers find themselves operating without adequate training, which can lead to unjustified criticism from citizens,” he said. He clarified that Unpli is committed to improving this scenario, providing the necessary skills to deal with various aspects of police work, from the management of road accidents to the delegations of the prosecutor’s office.

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