Security at the “Cube”, new protection gates installed

The “Cubo” school complex, which houses the “Monti” classical high school in the station area, and the underground car park built underneath the building, have been equipped with protective gates since this morning will increase the level of safety of these places and will allow access to them exclusively during school hours and on the days when school staff will be present on site. The intervention, the result of synergistic work carried out by the Municipality of Cesena and the Province of Forlì-Cesena, was financed entirely by the provincial body for a total of 95 thousand euros and comes following several reports regarding dubious attendance in the afternoon hours and nocturnal.

“We are certain – comments the Mayor of Cesena and President of the Province Enzo Lattuca – that the presence of these new gates will greatly limit the presence of people who are totally unrelated to school activities, often at the center of episodes of degradation and petty crime. The main purpose of this intervention which, we are aware, will not be decisive, but we consider it an important piece, is to gensure an improvement in the usability of the property, especially by the school population, also in relation to aspects related to safety and the correct use of common spaces and external environments. In fact, on several occasions the area of ​​the railway station ends up at the center of local news or becomes the subject of reports by citizens due to the presence of people bivouacking during the hours of the day when the area becomes completely depopulated. To stem this and other vandalism phenomena known to the police and the local police, and with the aim of taking control of the area frequented daily by students, teachers and families, we have arranged for the installation of gates”.

The Agreement signed by the Province of Forlì-Cesena and the Municipality of Cesena is based on these same assumptions in relation to the project concerning the building called “Cubo”, which houses the “Monti” classical high school in the station area, often at the center of critical issues related to the topic of safety. This area of ​​the school complex, owned by the Province, with the exception of the gyms which belong to the Municipality, is often used as a shelter area by gangs of very young people who, favored by the presence of the underground car park, carry out different types of activities which contribute to increasing situations of degradation. “This intervention – continues the Mayor – is made possible by the fruitful collaboration between the Municipality and the Province and gives us the possibility of stemming a situation of degradation and enable students, teachers and school staff to experience the area in complete safety. Not by chance, following the delivery of the access keys to the school managers and sports clubs that use the gyms, the times of use will be established. Furthermore, the railway station area will soon be affected by an ambitious urban regeneration project, corresponding to a total investment of over 11 million euros, which will not only contribute to making it more attractive from the point of view of the services present, but also aesthetically and security front”.

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