Majority in the province, another black smoke

Viterbo – Attempts to also involve FdI have so far been in vain – We are moving towards a Pd FI and civic coalition

by Giuseppe Ferlicca

Viterbo – Majority in the province, black smoke.

Yesterday morning, among the communications of the president Alessandro Romoli in the council, many expected the assignment of the delegations to the councilors. Sanctioning in fact the composition of the new majority. Instead, nothing done.

Alessandro Romoli

Everything postponed until Friday, when there are those who are ready to bet on a nice twist. At the moment, Romoli’s invitation, everyone inside, does not seem to convince Fratelli d’Italia. Whether this was a tactical move or a political evaluation is unclear. Since it is a second level body, the president’s idea is to involve everyone in the management, every elected group.

Then, if and when we return to the old-fashioned province, elected by the citizens, we’ll see.

In FdI they would be unconvinced and it’s not as if on the other side they seem to have done who knows what to convince them. Some positions, starting with the vice presidency, are not available to Meloni’s men.

So, everything suggests that we will go to the three-way formation, Pd, Forza Italia and mayor Frontini’s Pact for Tuscia civic list.

Much less likely that Romoli will turn his back on those who supported him over two years ago. The Democratic Party was there. Fratelli d’Italia was aiming for Alessandro Giulivi. A centre-right majority in via Saffi does not seem to be on the agenda.

Also why, given the not so good relations, would Mayor Frontini’s citizens agree?

At most, a centre-right-left-civic coalition. The one desired by Romoli. But the president will probably have to give up a piece. The right.

Yesterday morning’s session, however, was not entirely useless. The commissions have been formalized, for the formation of which there are no distinctions between majority and opposition.

Those are there, they will elect the presidents on Friday and who knows if by then there will be a majority in Palazzo Gentili.

Giuseppe Ferlicca

The commissions

First Council Commission – Institutional, General and Legal Affairs Statute Regulations Technical Assistance to Local Authorities, Implementation of law 56/2014. Balance. Subsidiaries. Legality and Equal Opportunities

Giulia De Santis – Democratic Tuscia

Luca Giampieri – Tuscia Tricolore

Rita De Alexandris – Civic Pact for Tuscia – Civic List

Francesco Ciarlanti–Azzurri For Tuscia

Second council commission – Environment, land use and planning soil defense civil protection parks and protected areas community and international policies

Lina Delle Monache – Democratic Tuscia

Nello Campana – Tuscia Tricolore

Umberto Di Fusco – Civic Pact for Tuscia – Civic List

Ermanno Nicolai – Azzurri For Tuscia

Third Council Commission – Public Works. Road Transport Heritage

Giulia De Santis – Democratic Tuscia

Stefano Zacchini – Tuscia Tricolore

Umberto Di Fusco – Civic Pact for Tuscia – Civic List

Ermanno Nicolai – Azzurri For Tuscia

Fourth council commission – School buildings. School Programming. Professional training. Labor Policies and Employment Services

Lina Delle Monache – Democratic Tuscia

Luca Profili – Tuscia Trịcolore

Maria Rita De Alexandris – Civic Pact Perla Tuscia – Civic List

Francesco Ciarlanti – Azzurri For Tuscia

June 25, 2024

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