Events at the Mole, flop start. Stage chaos, the first show is skipped: «Too many doubts, we’re moving»

Events at the Mole, flop start. Stage chaos, the first show is skipped: «Too many doubts, we’re moving»
Events at the Mole, flop start. Stage chaos, the first show is skipped: «Too many doubts, we’re moving»

ANCONA An odyssey for a stage at the Mole. Ordinary administration, in the past. But this summer, however, the case of the stage accidentally installed in the internal courtyard, instead of a serious stage to host the scheduled events, became a state case. And so the show season at the Mole immediately gets off on the wrong foot. The first scheduled appointment – the monologue “Korpus polski” by the actor Andrea Caimmi – was forced to move. It remains set for tomorrow evening, but no longer at the Mole court. «We will go to the Home Theater in via Goito 22» explains the organizer Sonia Antinori.

The squabbles

The reason is very simple: until the other day it was not known whether the Municipality had managed to find (at the last minute) a suitable stage. But not only that: the availability of chairs and electricity was even scheduled for tomorrow evening. Thus, to avoid the risk of ruining the show – as well as the first of the 2024 summer season of the Mole Vanvitelliana – the organizers preferred to fall back on another location. But with considerable discomfort. «We are losing audiences» says the actor Andrea Caimmi. And it is due to the fact that the home theater will be able to contain no more than around 50 people, while the seats at the Mole should have been 200.

The damage

«We receive requests for availability of places, but we are forced to reject them because we have already reached the capacity limit available. A big problem” complains Caimmi. What cannot be explained in this whole story is why, even though the expression of interest published by the Municipality expressed the technical data sheet with which the Mole would be equipped – and therefore adequate stage, seats, electricity – the municipal offices found themselves at a few days after cutting the ribbon to having assembled a stage for parish shows. Even knowing the extent of the events that would soon be represented. Ancona Jazz, for example, will have to bring on stage a seven-piece band with piano, drums and double bass. Where would he put them in that handkerchief resting on exposed wooden beams?

The embarrassment

All this denotes a complete abandonment by the Department of Culture towards the events which – among other things – it also financed. From the series: we’ll give you the money, make do. But that’s not how it works. Yet the initiatives are financed by the culture call and the relevant department does not monitor. Does not support. Mayor Daniele Silvetti had to intervene – who has many other issues to resolve these days, for example: the Ancona football issue – to put a stop to this disgrace which could very well have been avoided. Now the Culture office is breathing a sigh of relief. The stage, 6 by 8 meters and 50 centimeters high, is there. It has been rented and will be assembled in a hurry tomorrow morning. The municipal technicians assure that there will also be seats and electrical connections: «As per the expression of interest» they are keen to underline. Yes, but until the other day the data sheet was not insured at all. And we saw it from that embarrassing modular platform pulled out from the corners of the municipal warehouse. What a fool, really. A pompous debut with (deserved) success at the amphitheatre, and a fiasco at the start of the season at the Mole Vanvitelliana. If on the one hand the Administration puts a medal on its chest, on the other it just has to say mea culpa.


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