in November he disappeared from home and was later found

Who is the 17-year-old killed on Sunday near the Baden Powell park in Pescara: at the beginning of November 2023 he disappeared into thin air, after leaving his residence in Rosciano, and was then found a few hours later. He gave no explanation for his departure from him.

He disappeared from home in November 2023 and was found a few hours later the 17 year old boy killed last night with at least 25 stab wounds near Baden Powell park in Pescara. For the murderappears to have arisen from a gambling debt for negligible amounts, between 200 and 250 euros, by two peers of the victim, belonging to the wealthy circles of the Abruzzo city.

The 17-year-old, whose dead body it was found last night by the police in the park, and was therefore already known to the news. The young man had alarmed his parents family members a few months ago, when he disappeared into thin air. He had voluntarily left his residence at Rosciano. At the time of the events the provincial plan for missing persons with the involvement of the police forces, firefighters and local police forces of the municipalities concerned. The competition had also been requested from the prefecture of Chieti because the boy frequented the Chieti Scalo area.

After a few hours of searches the boy was intercepted in Pescara good state of health while wandering through the streets of the center and the family thanked the authorities for the work done. But he didn’t give explanations about the reasons for his departure nor did he specify where he had spent the night. It was the evening of anyway Halloween and the places had been open late.

A “repentant” young man had the body of the 17-year-old discovered in Pescara: “Killed for a debt of 250 euros”

Now, however, his case is being investigated homocide: two boys were arrested for the crime. The two alleged murderers hit him 25 times with a diving knife. They are two minors, high school students, one of them the son of a police commander of a station in the province of Pescara, the other son of a well-known lawyer in the city who are currently being interrogated at the police station.

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