Vittoria Ferdinandi was elected with 52.12%. The center-right loses the city

Vittoria Ferdinandi was elected with 52.12%. The center-right loses the city
Vittoria Ferdinandi was elected with 52.12%. The center-right loses the city

2024-06-24 17:51:11

Vittoria Ferdinandi elected: the center-right loses Perugia

2024-06-24 17:39:35

Ferdinandi, the first words: “We have created a miracle”

«We have performed another miracle but I have never had doubts because I know and deeply feel the soul of this city”: these are the first words of Vittoria Ferdinandi, new mayor of Perugia leading a broad centre-left camp with the Pd, M5s and civics.

«I knew that Perugia would not give in to the arrogance of power, to hatred and anger but would choose those who for four months put citizens back at the center of a politics of hope. It’s an incredible achievement »she added. “Unfortunately – Ferdinandi continued – they leave us with a city torn apart because in recent months our adversaries have done everything.”

2024-06-24 17:22:55

Perugia: 144 sections out of 159. Ferdinandi’s advantage confirmed

Out of 144 sections scrutinized out of 155, Ferdinandi confirmed his lead with 52.7% of the votes.

Margherita Scoccia stops at 47.29%.

2024-06-24 16:45:14

Schlein calls Ferdinandi to congratulate

After Sara Funaro and Vito Leccese, new mayors of Florence and Bari, the secretary of the Democratic Party also heard to congratulate the new first citizen of Perugia, Vittoria Ferdinandi, who brought the city back to the centre-left after the centre-right administration.

2024-06-24 16:26:38

Center-left clearly ahead

The centre-left is clearly ahead of the centre-right in the run-off for the election of the new mayor of Perugia based on data on the Municipality’s website. When the data from 106 of the 159 sections arrived, Vittoria Ferdinandi, Pd, M5s and civic groups were at 52.83 percent while Margherita Scoccia, FdI, FI, Lega and civic groups were at 47.17. The two are therefore separated by more than 2,700 votes. At the headquarters of Ferdinandi’s electoral committee, kisses and hugs begin but also no official declarations. An air of discouragement in the Scoccia headquarters

2024-06-24 16:02:23

Perugia, Ferdinandi ahead of Scoccia

In the municipal elections for the mayor of Perugia, when 19 out of 159 sections were scrutinized based on the Interior Ministry data published on the Eligendo website, the center-left candidate Vittoria Ferdinandi was ahead of the center-right candidate Margherita Scoccia with 52.79% at 47.21%.

It will be a challenge between the centre-left, with a slight advantage after the first round, and the centre-right, the one for the leadership of the Municipality of Perugia. Two mayoral candidates in the running Vittoria Ferdinandi And Margherita Scoccia, who, however things go, will be, one of the two, the first woman to lead Palazzo dei Priori. Ferdinandi and Scoccia both came close to 50 percent of the votes and will go to the runoff with a handful of votes.


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