Protection of Minors Reggio Calabria, the first diocesan conference on Wednesday

Protection of Minors Reggio Calabria, the first diocesan conference on Wednesday
Protection of Minors Reggio Calabria, the first diocesan conference on Wednesday

Next Wednesday and Thursday, 26 and 27 June, the archdiocese of Reggio Calabria-Bova will host the first diocesan conference organized by the Diocesan Child Protection Service (Sdtm) entitled “Let’s take care of ourselves: let’s build together the culture of care and prevention of minors and fragile”.

The conference will be held atAula Magna of the Pius XI archiepiscopal seminary in Reggio Calabria and aims to promote the culture of care and protection of minors and vulnerable people. L’reception and registration are scheduled for 4.45pm of June 26, while work will begin at 5pm with greetings from Monsignor Fortunato Morronemetropolitan archbishop of Reggio Calabria-Bova and president of the Calabrian Episcopal Conference.

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At 5.30pm Sister’s speech will follow Grazia Vittigni, psychologist and professor at the Anthropological Institute of the Gregorian University, as well as author of several publications on the protection of minors and vulnerable people. He will moderate the meeting sister Ausilia Chiellinoresponsible of Minor Protection Service, Fragile And Vulnerable of the diocese of Reggio, who will guide the discussion and encourage dialogue between those present. Participants will be able to intervene freely and ask their own questions immediately after Sister’s speech Grazia Vittigni.

The conference will continue on June 27 with a session reserved for priests, which will be held from 10 to 12.

How to participate in the work

The event is open to everyone, but to participate you must register via the online form available at: Participants will be issued a certificate and training credits will be provided for students, teachers and professionals of the institutions that sponsored the event.

TO KNOW MORE: Childhood violated, Don Di Noto: «Loving is not abusing»

Sister Ausilia Chiellinoreferent Sdtm of the archdiocese of Reggio Calabria-Bovaexplained that «this first appointment wants to be the answer and the start of a journey in our reality as far as the Italian and universal Church hopes, in a widespread way, in every territory».

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The commitment to defense of the smallest, weakest and last is a typically evangelical prerogative, always current and unfortunately never surpassed. Children who are victims of pedophilia, paedocrime, online pedophilia and every form of abuse represent an enormous plague and one of the most heinous, although often silenced, crimes that are increasingly emerging.

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