ten complaints and six administrative arrests

Modica, 24 June 2024 – The city of Modica is in the midst of a battle against “misplaced people”, young people on two wheels with non-compliant mopeds, protagonists of dangerous and highly disturbing behaviour. The police launched a joint operation between the local police and the Public Security police station to deal with the phenomenon of “rattling noise”. This operation led to ten complaints and six administrative arrests.

The blitz: neighborhoods and areas under control

The operation focused on different areas of the city: the Pizzo district, the Ortisiana ring road and Corso San Giorgio. These checks were started in response to numerous reports from citizens, who highlighted the problem of noisy scooters. Residents have complained about the constant passage of mopeds with tampered with mufflers, the noise of which has become not only annoying but also intolerable.

Sanctions and administrative detentions

Ten fines were issued against as many scooter riders, mainly minors, for the excessive noise of their mopeds. The fines vary from a minimum of 41 euros to a maximum of 168 euros, depending on the seriousness of the infringements. In addition to the fines, six mopeds were subjected to administrative detention after being caught traveling along Corso Garibaldi at high speed on just one wheel.

Institutional collaboration

The operation is the result of close collaboration between the police commissioner Vincenzo Trombadore and the mayor Maria Monisteri, who agreed to continue checks in the next few days to maintain public safety and tranquility. The objective is not only to repress but to prevent further episodes that could put the safety of citizens at risk.

Palermo: situation at the origin

Meanwhile, in Palermo the situation remains critical. Despite the efforts of the authorities, the troublemakers continue to rage, racing on a wheel and creating danger for themselves and others. The majority of these individuals are minors. The concern is that if action is not taken firmly, the situation could escalate, leading to serious accidents or even casualties.

In this context, Palermo seems to take a thirty-year leap back in time, when such phenomena were part of everyday life, fueling the birth of new criminals and neighborhood gang leaders. Local authorities are called to act decisively to prevent the situation from deteriorating further.

The operation in Modica is an example of civility in the fight against the dangerous and disturbing behavior of “vehicle junkies”. While we await the next developments, the hope is that Palermo will also be able to follow suit, adopting effective measures to restore order and safety on the streets

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