Police Chief Pisani will be present at the October ceremony

Police Chief Pisani will be present at the October ceremony
Police Chief Pisani will be present at the October ceremony

L’AQUILA – XXXII Borsellino Award assigned to the State Police, 25 October ceremony in L’Aquila in the presence of the Chief of Police – General Director of Public Security Vittorio Pisani.

The Chief of Police – General Director of Public Security Vittorio Pisani will participate, on October 25th in L’Aquila, in the award ceremony of the Paolo Borsellino National Award, now in its 32nd edition and which this year will be awarded to the State Police.

This is what emerged at the end of a meeting that took place at the Interior Ministry, which was also attended by the Deputy Chief of Police and president of the Award, Vittorio Rizzi, the Prefect Luigi Savina, former Deputy Chief of Police and former president of the Award, and a delegation led by the mayor of the Abruzzo capital, Pierluigi Biondi, and which included the Public Prosecutor for minors of L’Aquila, David Mancini, the president of the Civil Society association, Leo Nodari, who promotes the event organized by Municipality of the Abruzzo capital, and the street priest Antonio Coluccia, who will be the testimonial of the initiative for the 2024/2025 edition.

A discussion, during which the formal invitation to Prefect Pisani was formulated and in which the details, the program and the names of the other personalities awarded within the Award were illustrated.

“Like last year, our city will host the final ceremony of a project that will take place throughout the year, in which leading figures from the judiciary, law enforcement, journalism, culture and the world of the Church will participate who every day are engaged on the front line in the fight against organized crime and mafias. This year the recognition will be given to the State Police, which was awarded honorary citizenship of L’Aquila in 2021. – commented the mayor – The meeting with the Chief of Police Pisani, whom I thank for his sensitivity and availability, represented an important moment of dialogue between State institutions in view of an event which, as an administration, we support in a convinced to contribute to the diffusion of essential principles such as the valorisation and promotion of legality and justice in our community and, in particular, among young people and students”.

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