Mysterious light spotted in the sky of Puglia, multiple videos reported documenting the transit of the unidentified flying object also in Basilicata, Calabria, Campania and Sicily

One strange flying object has been spotted in the mid-skies Italy – from the center to the south – immortalized with footage shot between Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania And Sicily. This is what happened on the first evening of Sunday 23 June (2024) when an elongated flying object caught the attention of multiple passersby. There are many videos posted online by various users:


UFO (or Uap) spotted between Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania And Sicily – possible explanations:

A unidentified flying object (UFOs) also known by its English acronyms UFO (Unidentified Flying Object or Unknown Flying Object) And UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena)[1] generically indicates any aerial phenomenon whose causes cannot easily or immediately be identified by an observer. Therefore, an unidentified flying object can be anything (not necessarily a metallic disk with extraterrestrials inside). One of the most plausible hypotheses is that it could have been a Falcon 9 Of SpaceX launched in the afternoon from Florida with satellites on board Starlink. Another hypothesis concerns military activities which, in today’s historical context, would leave many question marks. The color associated with the sighting could in fact recall the methane of space rockets. It is possible that in the next few days the experts will be able to talk about it again and be able to identify the sighting as an artificial or natural event. In this regard, below are the links to some videos released on the web:


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