Amadeus shocked: his pupil didn’t deserve such an end | Post Sanremo the inevitable happened

Amadeus – (Instagram photo)

It’s shocking to know that something like this happened to Amadeus’ protégé just after Sanremo. Nobody expected it.

Amadeus he is a much-loved former Rai presenter and a man who for four years in a row he was the artistic director and host of the Sanremo Festival.

For five editions in a row has organized the festival in every detail and selected the songs of the many artists who took part in it over the years, choosing them from the sea of ​​songs that the artists sent him. It also happened among these hiswhich Amadeus liked so much that he wanted to include it among the many songs in the competition.

It must be said that Amadeus had an excellent ear in choosing it. The song today is a hit and a few months after the end of the festival, he got it various certifications. Thanks to participation in the festival, the artist then had the opportunity to become even more known to the general publicalready being quite well known and becoming even more famous than he already was.

Unfortunately, however, it seems that, apart from the incident, after Sanremo, the artist in question hasn’t had a good time, On the contrary. He seems to have experienced a difficult crisis.

A period of crisis that led to the breakup with his girlfriend

As reported by “Il Messaggero” after the Sanremo Festival and the success it achieved, the artist in question experienced a severe personal crisis, which had many consequences on his life. Among these, the breakup, not a little painful, with his long-time girlfriend.

This is what he said in an interview, in which he also spoke about his last son and the love that has never been lacking in his life: “Love has always been present in my life, but beyond my girlfriend, also friends, mom, dad. The record is very very about love, because it was what I experienced, like the breakup.”

Geolier – (Instagram photo)

After Sanremo, a tough crisis for Geolier

But who is the artist who experienced this powerful crisis after Sanremo? The singer in question is the rapper Geolieras well as the artist who during the festival he came close to winningarriving at second placeafter Angelina Mango and winning the cover night.

We hope that he has now recovered from this crisis or that he will recover as soon as possible. In all this, the public’s affection for him will be a guarantee.

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