Ballot in Cremona, who will be the new mayor between Andrea Virgilio and Alessandro Portesani?

Ballot in Cremona, who will be the new mayor between Andrea Virgilio and Alessandro Portesani?
Ballot in Cremona, who will be the new mayor between Andrea Virgilio and Alessandro Portesani?

Cremona, 24 June 2024 – Who will be the new mayor of Cremona, the only capital city of Lombardy, on the ballot? Citizens can go to the polls until 3pm the challenge is between Andrea Virgilio and Alessandro Portesani. Who will win?



In Cremona on Sunday at 11pm the turnout was 38.29%, down from 52.43% in the first round. At 7pm the turnout stood at 32.17%, at 12pm the turnout was 13.81%.

Andrew Virgil

Andrea Virgilio, an educator by profession, is the current deputy mayor and municipal councilor with responsibilities for Territory and Heritage. It is supported by four electoral formations: the civic list “Cremona sei tu”, the PD, “Left for Cremona – Civil Energy” and “Making New Cremona active”.

Alessandro Portesani

Alessandro Portesani, current general director of the company “Il Cerchio med”. His experience as a founder of cooperatives, trainer and teacher is extensive. Five lists are supporting his candidacy: the civic “News in Cremona”, FdI, Forza Italia, Lega and Party of

The connections

After the electoral result of the first round, with Portesani leading by 402 votes over his rival Virgilio, outgoing deputy mayor, it was open hunt for votes from the other four lists. The two candidates met those excluded, Paola Tacchini (M5S), who obtained 5.36% of the votes, Maria Vittoria Ceraso (4.64%), Ferruccio Giovetti (3.64%) and Angelo Frigoli (1.23%), all from civic lists. None of these jumped onto either wagon, so the challengers have understood that they will have to deal with it alone. Portesani’s appeal to the national parties was strong and immediate. At the European elections the centre-right obtained three thousand votes more than the centre-left and however at the municipal elections this advantage dissolved, leaving only 402 votes of difference in its hands. From this consideration, the center-right candidate asked these voters to vote for him.

The two electoral programs

Meanwhile, the fight between the two candidates is all-out. THE There are many topics addressed, for example, lcleaning the city. “We have heard from thousands of citizens who have told us that the city is dirty. The problem exists and must be resolved immediately. We envisage an extraordinary plan that will clean up both the historic center and the outskirts”. Virgilio replied: “Urban decorum also means continuing to eliminate architectural barriers; giving everyone new spaces in which to create culture. Asking for and obtaining 50 million euros from the Pnrr to finance projects that will change the face of our city”.

Also on the There are disagreements on the subject of city traffic. “While confirming the choice of the ZTL, the centre-right believes it is essential to carry out a check with the economic categories on the opening hours of the gates. We will propose to enhance the car parks at the gates of the city and connect them to the city center with electric public transport at discounted rates”. Virgilio instead moves outside: “A city grows only if easily connected with other territories. Cremona has always suffered its own infrastructural isolation, that the time has come to overcome”. Finally, a question and answer on the future council. “If Virgilio were to win – said Portesani – the council would be almost the same as the previous one”. Virgilio’s reply was immediate: “There will be an overall renewal. I want to do new things with new people and with a new style: mine”.


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