«No one underestimates the problem, but anarchy does not reign here»

«No one underestimates the problem, but anarchy does not reign here»
«No one underestimates the problem, but anarchy does not reign here»

UDINE – «We are struck by what happened to our fellow citizen and also dismayed by the repetition of certain episodes despite the intense work on the issue of security since we took office». The natural closeness to the victim of brutal violence, but also an admission: facts repeat themselves. All contained in the words of Udine’s Security Councilor, Rosi Toffano. «We immediately worked on the hiring of ten new neighborhood policemen, already selected and just entering service, and on the participatory security project which culminated with a protocol signed by the Ministry of the Interior, the first of its kind in the region. Furthermore, beyond prevention, we have worked to increase controls, both with local police patrols, which have been intensified since last year and which patrol the center and neighbourhoods, both on foot and in emergency mode. Furthermore, there are also security guards who have the task of guarding public goods and sensitive areas such as parks. The latest actions we have carried out concern private surveillance on buses and checks by SSM, which are also subject to ad hoc protocols. Two weeks ago the opening of the local police center in the evening hours, to which are added patrols and joint services with the other police forces, including military ones, that move in Borgo Stazione”. And again: «In the center the service is carried out until half past one in the morning. Not only have we confirmed all the measures already in force when we took office, but we have intensified and improved the actions, trying to respond promptly to all needs, in support of the police forces who are responsible for public order. Anyone who photographs Udine as a city where anarchy reigns is carrying out an exploitation operation that must be firmly rejected. Nobody underestimates the problem of security and the legitimate expectations of citizens. We want to assure them of our maximum commitment so that events like this are not repeated.”


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