Olbia, Desirèe Rocco presents the new project: the interview

Olbia. The Dance and Fitness School Black Swan brings the show about the female universe to the Cerioli Amphitheatre.
“We are every woman, every woman has provided us with a legacy to never forget and reflect on.” The extraordinary journey that will be presented next Saturday at the Porto Rotondo Amphitheater by the Rocco Family school starts from here, a journey lasting a year of work. “I had already had the thought for a few years,” says the choreographer and owner Desirèe Rocco – I wanted to do this Hymn to Women, since May 2023 I started working on this theme. Rocco continues to tell the story of this experience which involved her even more than she expected: “by studying these 19 women I discovered a world, see Helen Keller, the one who invented braille and sign language, she was deaf-blind but despite her disability she was a great fighter, or Susan B. Anthony, it is thanks to her that we vote – the teacher remembers – “They are fantastic women, who have done a lot and we must do a lot for them, even if it is impossible enclose this whole world in two hours.”

A moment of reflection therefore: “We must tell their story, we tell the evolution of women through dance, studying their stories was motivating, I tried to give them a voice, as much as possible.” This last year has been really challenging for the entire school, between essays, training, national finals and championships, important results have been achieved, and this project has also been a great adventure, Providing us with some previews, Rocco says: “there will also be Leonarda Catta and Manuel Rossi Cabizza among the guests for a truly special performance, surprises will follow, everything fits together like a perfect puzzle, in this choice. “Marta Carboni, Hip hop teacher, helped me in this journey also with the choice of some of the women to talk about – and continues – We will be 150, many professionals from 3 to 21 years old, we are a big family, most of my students are daughters of those who were my father’s students, six mothers are actually part of the staff and we are all organised, – smiling he confirms – we are a beautiful assembly line, a beautiful mechanism.” The space of Porto Rotondo theater is suitable as it is the only structure equipped and suitable for representation and to the question of which personality struck her the most, Rocco replies: “I don’t have a favorite female figure, each of them has given us something , I also included Emma Stone because her speech at the Oscars struck me so much, to pay homage to Helen Keller I included pieces of sign language in the choreography, Keller inspired me because she went beyond her physical limits, but – he continues – to break into my heart, besides her, also Frida Kahlo, I received a great lesson from all of them: the desire to fight and start again despite the dark moments.”

I wanted to give a voice to all these women, a hymn to women who are needed, especially in these times, we hear about so many bad things, there is so much malice, we must raise awareness, talk about women and their role in society.”
Concluding he states:” We are every woman it is a hymn to beauty, resilience, love and passion. The choreographies address the full range of female emotions, including panic, fear, empathy and friendship. We took the figure of the woman and presented her in all her facets.” For the performance which will involve 47 different choreographies, period costumes will be used, all dated and specially created for the occasion. So appointment with the Black Swan on Saturday June 29th at 9.30pm in Porto Rotondo, the evening will be presented by the journalist Maria Pintore.

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