Buongiorno-Napoli, one step agreement with Torino: the figures between supply and demand

SSC Napoli Transfer MarketAdventure of the Italian national team already finished at the European Championships, the Napoli can then strike the blow Alexander Good morningdefender of the Torino with 0 minutes to Euro 2024 con Spalletti. The president of Torino, Cairowas hoping for an exploit in the European tournament to raise the price, now he will probably have to stay at the “fixed price” from Napoli.

Good morning-Naples, there is the offer: the figures

Today’s edition of Republic talks about the acceleration and the offer of the Napoli per Alexander Good morning:

The time is ripe: Italy’s elimination from the European Championships will accelerate operations that have been set up but are currently on hold. Any reference to Alessandro Buongiorno is not purely coincidental. Conte has long since identified his leader, who this time has no doubts and is ready for the big leap. Toro knows it and will not stand in the way. The negotiation has been going on for some time and will materialize shortlyThe Granata club hoped that some other club, perhaps from England, could come forward to raise the price of one of the best defenders in Serie A, but Buongiorno hasn’t actually played a single minute with Italy and it’s unlikely there will be any new arrivals to spark an auction.

De Laurentiis has put 30 million on the table (plus 5 in bonuses) which is still not enough. Toro is asking for 35 (+ 5) but there is every intention of finding a definitive agreementThe gap is starting to narrow and Napoli has also put Ostigard on the table, who will surely leave the Azzurri. Buongiorno’s yes will make the difference and allow the deal to close without any particular shocks. The player will become the pillar of the new Napoli: the centre-back of a defence that will have to erase the disasters of last season”.

Naples: Offer for Buongiorno of Turin
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