The entrepreneur Di Matteo relaunches «At work for a united team» – L’Aquila

The entrepreneur Di Matteo relaunches «At work for a united team» – L’Aquila
The entrepreneur Di Matteo relaunches «At work for a united team» – L’Aquila

AVEZZANO. “We need to convince those voters (51%) who stay at home and no longer go to vote because they are disheartened and tired, otherwise the fans will win again.” It is from the ranks of the center-left that a clear message arrives on the line to follow for the next Avezzano municipal elections. To launch it is Nazzareno Di Matteosports entrepreneur, always active in the world of city associations, and with several years of municipal administration in the city alongside the then mayor Mario Spallone. «Whoever could decide the fate of a city on election day stays at home and this is a fact», explained Di Matteo, «looking at the two or three elections it is clear that now only the fans who represent 49% of those entitled. The others are disheartened, tired and disaffected. They don’t see concrete solutions and consequently prefer not to go to the polls. We need to go and talk to them, we need to go and listen and convince them that going to vote is important.” Di Matteo, who in the past also ran for mayor of Avezzano, took the field with Action in the centre-left coalition led by Luciano D’Amico. His, however, was an autonomous candidacy, free from the party, and linked to the group born around the current councilor D’Amico. In a hypothetical wide-field table, however, Di Matteo would certainly find space both for his political history – always in the centre-left – and for his daily commitment in the world of city associations.
«In my opinion we should start taking initiatives among the people», continued Di Matteo, «we need to understand that either we change the formula or it will be difficult to be able to have our say. Anyone who cares about the future of this city must get busy.” The warning of the sports entrepreneur from Avezzano could be taken up by the other forces in the broad field – Pd (which could focus on the mayor of Aielli, Enzo Di Nataleas candidate for mayor), 5 Star Movement, Italia Viva, Azione and Sinistra Italiana – to start building a cohesive team capable of facing the center-right at the polls and the group linked to the current mayor, Gianni Di Pangrazio.

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