“Is the writing ‘Napoli’ under Palazzo San Giacomo a ‘cafon’ that perhaps serves to remind the Mayor that we are in Naples and not Nola? More respect for Naples” — Vita Web TV

“Is the writing ‘Napoli’ under Palazzo San Giacomo a ‘cafon’ that perhaps serves to remind the Mayor that we are in Naples and not Nola? More respect for Naples” — Vita Web TV
“Is the writing ‘Napoli’ under Palazzo San Giacomo a ‘cafon’ that perhaps serves to remind the Mayor that we are in Naples and not Nola? More respect for Naples” — Vita Web TV

“After the rags, in Piazza Municipio the giant multicolored ‘Napoli’ writing appears with the usual symbols that summarize the classic stereotypes: ‘welcome to the city of the sun, pizza and mandolin’, as if Naples could be summarized in these few images, giving tourists the idea that Naples is just the city of folklore and nothing more – declared the independent councilor Marì Muscarà -. When I say that this is the result of the lack of a culture councilor in the city of culture, a city in the hands of those who put the dignity and history of the Neapolitans in the background. The ‘anti-mayor’ of Naples who invited Neapolitans not to be ‘Neapolitans’, has agreed to this umpteenth massacre to resemble European cities: in recent days a 12-metre sign appears in Piazza Municipio, in that square which today seems plus a sterile and hot landing strip in summer, no longer as green as in the past and where rags are ‘accumulated’ and today an enormous multicolored sign that makes no sense. While once upon a time we even thought about the ornamented benches, the centuries-old buildings and the streets with paving stones, now crumbling and abandoned by that mayor and council paid to protect the city, the first thing they do instead is to keep up appearances. From what I see, the Neapolitans didn’t take it well on social media, but maybe that writing placed right under Palazzo San Giacomo is a way to remind the mayor that we are in Naples and not in Nola? Tourists know which city they are in. What’s the point of putting a sign of that magnitude in a square where history has passed? The other European cities that we want to resemble invent the most imaginative things and giant writings precisely because they have nothing else, we who have everything try to pretend nothing has happened, with castles still closed and with an Albergo dei Poveri in which there is still no do you know if they want to make us a hotel for the rich. In short, while the Naples of the past also created and took care of the benches where people sat, today we ‘play’ with a city as if it were a puzzle that is falling apart” – concludes Muscarà.

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