“Here are Italy’s requests”. Tajani reveals the objectives in the EU

The match of EU appointments it is rather delicate, but this was known even before the vote. Italy aims to play a leading role, being able to count on some incontrovertible facts, starting from the most important: the Italian government is the only government that emerged from the polls unscathed, indeed, it has gained consensus compared to the policies of two years ago. Of course, the Franco-German axis is very strong and the alliances between the various families risk putting Giorgia Meloni at a disadvantage, but Rome is not willing to stand by and watch. The deputy prime minister took care of revealing the government’s expectations and hopes Antonio Tajani.

Speaking to the microphones of the French broadcaster Tf1, the head of the Farnesina explained that the government led by Meloni is stronger after the European elections and stability gives the strength – even to Brussels – to be able to have a say. Tajani’s requests are clear: “We want to have a vice president of the European Commission, a strong commissioner and a good European policy in favor of industry and agriculture”. But that is not all. Among Italy’s requests there is also a policy against climate change, without a fundamentalist vision. No more Taliban ideologies, no more Taliban diktats: “We need to find a good solution, that is, a pragmatic environmental policy.”

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Italy does not accept downward compromises, on the contrary. Roma’s goal is to act a leading role. Gone are the days when the Italian government went to Brussels with hat in hand, accepting any claim or indication sight unseen. A strong executive and a strong prime minister can also allow a leap in quality in Europe, with Italians in top roles. The strength of the Italian government was also demonstrated by Politico: although Ursula von der Leyen does not need the support of Giorgia Meloni, it is impossible to imagine a new president of the European Commission taking office without the support of the Italian Prime Minister. “We cannot continue to ignore Meloni”, the indication of an EU diplomat, who warned that things could degenerate rapidly if no one were to open a dialogue with Rome. In short, it is impossible to imagine the future of Europe without taking Italian concerns into account. With all due respect to the usual left-wing owls, who spoke of an Italy isolated in the Old Continent.

Franco Lodige, 22 June 2024

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