Forlì, kickboxing in the square: “A real success”

Organizers satisfied after Wednesday’s evening in Piazza Saffi dedicated to kickboxing: “A sporting and public success beyond the most optimistic expectations, for us it is an excellent sign of growth.” These are the words of Massimo Mariani, instructor of the club affiliated to the Polisportiva Edera which year after year becomes more and more important in the city panorama.

Sold out in the audience set up at ringside and many spectators on their feet who followed the program of matches right up to the end which culminated in the awarding of the Italian Wako Pro 75 kg title. Numerous athletes, women and men, beginners and professionals, took turns on the “Combat Camp Arena”, engaged in competing with each other but, above all, in demonstrating the value of an emerging discipline. Mariani continues: “We also included a Muay Thai match and several women’s matches on the bill, one of which was among the most exciting and compelling challenges of the evening. Our company is called Kickboxing Edera Forlì and is located inside the Polisportiva Edera in Viale della Libertà. We have been active since 2016 and carry out activities with around a hundred members including some competitive athletes. We are currently training for the next championship which will take place in Finale Emilia in October. Kick boxing is a sport for everyone that helps us grow and is based on a serious training and education project, both sporting and civic.” For information and contacts: 3275796799; [email protected] .

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