Municipal Operational Plan of Pisa, the assemblies in the city neighborhoods concluded.

Municipal Operational Plan of Pisa, the assemblies in the city neighborhoods concluded.
Municipal Operational Plan of Pisa, the assemblies in the city neighborhoods concluded.

The public meetings organized by the municipal administration to illustrate to the citizens the Municipal Operational Plan (POC), former Urban Planning Regulation, which is the instrument that specifies for each area, land, property, what can be done, what destination of use is permitted and with which urban planning parameters, how can one intervene in the transformation, valorisation and protection of the municipal territory, compatibly with the guidelines of the already approved Intermunicipal Structural Plan. The 11 meetings, two of which were aimed at professional orders and economic operators, in which the Mayor of Pisa Michele Conti and the urban planning councilor Massimo Dringoli together with the technicians of the urban planning office took part, were necessary to inform the citizens on the way in which it was possible to send the contributions, for which the “non-peremptory” deadlines for transmission through the website of the Municipality of Pisa expire on 30 June ( /home/index.html) on which the interactive map of the SIT Geoportal can also be consulted where citizens can view the areas owned, the territorial area they belong to and the type of contribution that can be sent.

«We are respecting the timescales we had set ourselves to equip the city with adequate and updated urban planning tools to build the Pisa of the future – declares the mayor Michele Conti -. I want to thank the offices for the work done in recent years as well as the citizens who have given their contribution in recent months to the definition of the Poc. As is known, our goal is to convince people to return to live in the city. In fact, over the years, Pisa has remained attractive as a place to work, heal and study, but has lost residents who have preferred to move to neighboring municipalities. To reverse this trend it was therefore necessary to equip the Administration with new urban planning tools as we managed to do in the last mandate with the new inter-municipal structural plan and, in this phase, with the new municipal operational plan. The objective remains that of bringing Pisa back to one hundred thousand inhabitants and I am sure that we have put in place all the tools to achieve this goal in the coming years.”

«On 13 November 2023 – stated the councilor for urban planning of the Municipality of Pisa Massimo Dringoli – the City Council approved the start of the Municipal Operational Plan procedure but already in September 2022 the start-up phase of the POC had begun, with the first seven public meetings in October 2022. Since participation and information constitute an indispensable element for the creation of an urban design that responds as much as possible to the needs of all those who live in the municipal area, the Administration has since beginning considering that the point of view of every citizen must integrate with administrative action in determining the future urban structure of their city. At the beginning of each of the scheduled meetings it was clarified that the main purpose of these meetings was the collection of contributions but this did not, however, prevent criticisms and suggestions on the current situation from being accepted, even if not regarding choices of the Plan Operating. In fact, it was considered that every opportunity for meetings between the Administration and citizens could be useful for improving the liveability of the neighborhoods. In addition to the contributions expressed directly during the meetings, the main result achieved was provided by the timely information given to the participants on how to present their contributions to the Municipality also with the assistance of the Urban Planning Directorate staff where necessary”.

Based on the evaluation of the contributions received, in compliance with the objectives set at the start of the procedure and the constraints deriving from higher-level provisions, the Planning office prepares the POC Project, which after being verified by the Council is adopted by the City Council. After adoption, the POC is published in the Official Bulletin of the Tuscany Region (BURT) and the deadlines (60 days) for the formulation of observations by interested parties begin from the date of publication, therefore if the POC has not accepted/received specific contributions , they can be re-presented in the form of observations.

Source: Press Office

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