A bookshop has been inaugurated in Neonatology in Bari for parents of little ones

A bookshop has been inaugurated in Neonatology in Bari for parents of little ones
A bookshop has been inaugurated in Neonatology in Bari for parents of little ones

It’s never too early to start reading books to your children. For this reason, a reading point has been inaugurated in the neonatal department of the Polyclinic of Bari, a complete library of texts from which parents and volunteers of the Tailored Books Association take volumes to read in front of the cots.

Reading aloud, in fact, helps to create a strong emotional bond between parent and child, the parent’s reassuring voice and positive interaction promote a sense of security and love, hearing the words pronounced clearly by an adult helps the child to understand the sounds and rhythms of the language.

The volunteers of the Libri Su Misura Association started the project almost a year ago and now they have received the recognition of the Nati per Leggere Reading Presidium (NpL), a national project of which they have shared, since the beginning of their activity, the intentions and practices. Volunteers continuously enter the neonatal unit to provide support to new parents.

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“I would like to thank the president and all the volunteers of the Libri su Misura association. In the reorganization of the pavilion we plan to have larger spaces for this library and for parents, with a view to ever greater humanization aimed at supporting mothers and fathers of newborns who remain in our department for weeks or months”, commented the director of the the Neonatology and University Neonatal Intensive Care unit of the Bari Polyclinic, Nicola Laforgia.

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The president of AIB Puglia was present at the inauguration Domenica Di Cosmo, the contact person rregional NpL AIB Puglia Milena Tancredi, the regional NpL representative for the Puglia Cultural Association of Pediatricians Laura Dell’Edera, the president of the Libri su Misura Association, Vita Marcario and the volunteers of the association.

In 2023 the Association Custom Booksborn from the intuition of Silvia Barile and present since 2010 in the Pediatric Departments of Bari hospitals, enters the Neonatology Department of the Polyclinic of Bari with a reading aid for parents of young patients in intensive / sub-intensive care, The Customized Book Library, fruit of the fruitful collaboration between the Welfare Department / Barisocialbook Network, Bari Polyclinic / Neonatology Department and the Association Custom Books.

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