“To beat Italy, copy Ancelotti and put Modric only at the end”

“To beat Italy, copy Ancelotti and put Modric only at the end”
“To beat Italy, copy Ancelotti and put Modric only at the end”

In the quiet of the retreat on Lake Neuruppinless than three hours from Leipzigthe Croatian coach Zlatko Dalic he walks nervously like his colleague-rival Spalletti does – in front of the Italy bench – during matches. He seems a bit like Prince Hamlet tormented by the fateful existential doubt, in a football sense of course. “To change or not to change”, this is the question. There is Italy to beat at all costs on Monday at the Red Bull Arena to grab the qualification for the round of 16 with their “claws”. An unrecognizable Italy seen against Spain. And so it is right to confirm the trio of “centenary” glories Modric, Perisic and Brozovic (104 years adding their ages) or turn the page by introducing the exciting fresh forces loudly invoked by the media and fans? The choice will not be easy at all. If things were to go wrong, the criticism would be unleashed: both in the case of confirmation of the legends that have been traveled and burdened by the “springs” and if the starting line-up was filled with young shoots who were still lacking, however, in terms of experience.

Croatia, Dalic’s choices

Whatever he does, someone will resent him: this is an incontrovertible fact. In the end he will probably opt for a compromise. A Solomonic decision, who knows. One shot at the rim and one at the barrel. A little “old” and a little “children” with high hopes to create the right “mix”. The talks with the “leaders” of the locker room have begun. Open, honest, correct, sincere, but also difficult conversations. Complicated. The 57-year-old coach born in Bosnia has the utmost respect for its veterans, the red and white hinges who won the bronze medal two years ago at the World Cup in Qatar and previously the silver one ai World Cup in Russia. Crazy results for a nation that barely touches 4 million inhabitants. But he cannot pretend to forget, even for just 90 minutes, the inexorability of time passing. And above all, he cannot turn a blind eye, if not both, to the “status” of those who are not in adequate shape. It would be logical to give more space (in all departments starting from the crucial sector of midfield) to the various players Baturina, Ivanusec, Sucic, Pasalic but also to the former Juventus and Granata player Pjaca, in Sosa, in Erlic. Just to mention the most popular names among journalists, pundits and football fans. Obviously he won’t be able to change 6 or 7 in one fell swoop, but he certainly has to do something. Even considering the 5 goals conceded in the first two games between Spain And Albania and above all in light of the (many) flaws highlighted by the Azzurri in the last disturbing match Gelsenkirchen. Tremendous defeat for the Azzurri which brought back some peace and confidence in the Croatian retreat.

Dalic, non-emotional choices

The most important thing is that the coach’s choices are professionally rational and coherent, not emotional, and that someone likes them. It is essential to know the correct attitude of those who realistically can and those who cannot, that is, what is objectively possible to do against Italy and, finally, how the negative competitive dynamics of this fiery Euro 2024 can be changed. Then, once the starting lineup has been decided , there will be no more calculations to do. The national team with the red and white checkered shirt will only have to concentrate on earning the three points, otherwise they will return to Zagreb much sooner than they hoped. Meanwhile, experts, coaches and former players are going wild to suggest the formation to the Livno native coach whose contract has been renewed by federal president Marijan Kustic (from Rijeka, influential politician of the HDZ party) until 31 July 2026.

The words of Ivkovic and Carevic

The former goalkeeper Tomislav Ivkoviclegend of Sporting Lisbon, the man who made history for saving two penalties against Maradona (one also wearing the former Yugoslavian national team shirt) brought up none other than Carlo Ancelotti: «Dalic must learn and be inspired by the Italian master, once again European champion with Real Madrid, to better manage our “monument” Luka Modric. That is, insert him in the last half hour of the game when the former Ballon d’Or player can still make the difference with his immense class». For his part Mario CarevicSebenico coach, former Stuttgart midfielder, criticizes Spalletti’s team: «Italy played much worse than us against Spain. The Azzurri made a terrible impression. It was a sensational surprise. They couldn’t make two correct passes, overwhelmed by the Iberian pressing. Without Donnarumma who knows how it would have ended… Now we are back confident of beating them and entering the round of 16».

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