90,000 for the Lombardia SiCura petition. And now the answers

The signatures are there and behind them the stories, the anger, the inconveniences of those who every day have to deal with the right to treatment, often denied, hindered or linked to the announcements made by the government on the eve of the European elections of the cut to the lists waiting, but without any financial coverage. And if in Lombardy, among the few regions where centre-right local governments wave the flag of differentiated autonomy or “split Italy” if you prefer, things for public health continue to go badly, despite the bitter reality laid bare by the coronavirus pandemic, and then the administrators of Pirellone and those of Rome, from Palazzo Chigi, need to get a move on. The requests, contained in the following note, are clear. Moving forward with priorities, restoring the right role (percentage) between public and private. Let’s start from here…

Lombardy SiCura, 90,000 signatures for the petition for another healthcare system in the Region
90,000 subscriptions deposited today in the Region at the bottom of the La Lombardia petition
Safe for healthcare. An agenda approved by the Milan City Council
with the same objectives. The next appointments are in September, the appeal on the questions continues
referendums denied by the majority
Milan, 21 June 202. There are around 90,000, 38,000 online and the rest on paper, the
subscriptions to the petition on health in Lombardy that the La Committee
Lombardia SiCura filed this morning with the protocol of
Lombardy Region: “The great consensus received by the petition is clear
confirmation of the heavy state of discomfort in the population and the urgency of
structural actions to modify healthcare management in Lombardy, for a
full restoration of the public health service in all its aspects, starting from
effective cutting of waiting lists,” they said in the press conference
this morning Marco Caldiroli, Democratic Medicine, Vittorio Agnoletto,
Health Observatory, Massimo Cortesi Arci Lombardia, Monica Vangi secr. CGIL
Lombardy, Federica Trapletti SPI CGIL Lombardia and Andrea Villa, ACLI Milan,
representing the founding committee (Democratic Medicine,
Health Observatory, Arci Lombardia, CGIL, SPI and FP Lombardia and ACLI Lombardia).
“To restore dignity and efficiency to the public health service in the Region –
they added – the recent regional initiatives taken are certainly not enough
during the collection of signatures, such as lengthening the opening of the
public structures exclusively with overtime hours of social and health workers, or the extension of a role, which for us is inappropriate, of pharmacies, such as
as well as the difficulties of having the single CUP “accepted” which is belatedly declared
to want to introduce. Initiatives that go in the same direction as those
governments, which do not address the root causes of the healthcare disaster in Italy”.
The initiative, launched on March 1st and concluded on June 10th, has seen widespread
mobilization in all territories of Lombardy of organizations and
member associations to which the initiative of various councils has been added
municipal authorities who approved agendas with the contents of the petition.
Among these, the Municipality of Milan which joined yesterday, the Municipality of Mantua and
numerous local authorities.
The Committee announced the next initiatives and appointments:
a public demonstration towards mid-September and the presentation
of the petition to the III Regional Health Commission, which is also involved in
this period in the discussion on the 2024-2027 Social and Health Plan.
Dozens of associations, committees and others have joined “La Lombardia SiCura”.
political groups throughout the region are particularly numerous and widespread
was the activation of local self-organized entities for “training” on
future collection of signatures for the referendum on regional law 33/2009 on
healthcare, for
which continues the appeal process against the majority’s decision
Regional Council to prevent it.
Let us remember that the key points of the petition were 5: 1. Single centre
Reservation; 2. Reduction of waiting lists by eliminating abuse of agendas;
3. Stop the use of coin-operated doctors (not employees) and hiring staff;
4. Coverage of healthcare costs in healthcare facilities e
improvement of services for the elderly 5. Strengthening of Territorial Services in
particularly for prevention.
Below is the list of promoters who have joined since the beginning of the event
campaign: Health Observatory, CGIL Public Function, SPI CGIL, CGIL
Lombardy, ARCI, Democratic Medicine, Consumer Movement,
Federconsumatori, Forum for the right to health, Milan in Health, Cooperative
Sandro Pertini – Vanzago, Giulio A. Maccacaro Health Center – Castellanza,
Constitution of Common Goods, ATTAC Italia, Citizens Committee for the right to health
art. 32, Coordinamento Lombardo Dico32, SIAL Cobas, Defense Committee
of the Merate Hospital, Public Home Assistance Committee – Lecco,
Smarketing Association, ART32 Project, Regional Union for Mental Health
URASAM, Marco Cavallo Association, Mental Health Forum, Milan Movement
Civic. Italian Socialist Party, Italian Communist Party, Democratic Party,
5 Star Movement, Italian Left, Civic Pact, Green Europe, Party of
Communist Refoundation, USB Lombardy, ACLI Lombardy, ACLI Milan, ISDE
Lombardy, Northern Civic Alliance, Liberal Socialist Movement, RossoSiSpera
for press office info:
Elena Peracchi (Spi Cgil Lombardia) 328 567 8565
Laura Messina (CGIL Lombardy) 3421309533
Carmìna Conte (Democratic Medicine) 3931377616
Tiziana Altea (FP Cgil Lombardia) 335 150 0950

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