«Many dossiers to complete. I’m looking for dialogue and discussion”

It officially began yesterday, with the proclamation of his election by the Court of Appeal of Turin, Alberto Cirio’s second mandate at the helm of Piedmont. «In the next few days – the Region says – the president will communicate the composition of the new council».
A team whose definition, barring last-minute filings, now appears rather defined: the appointment of Federico Riboldi (former FdI mayor of Casale) at Healthcare; the reconfirmation of the Melonians Maurizio Marrone to Social Policies ed Elena Chiorino (who will also be vice president) at Labour, as well as the Azzurri Andrea Tronzano (Budget) e Marco Gabusi (Transport) and the Northern League Matteo Marnati (Environment); the new entry of the «brothers» Paolo Bongioanni (Agriculture) e Marina Chiarelli (Culture), the appointment of the Northern League member from Alessandria Enrico Bussalino (Autonomy) and civics Marco Busca (Mountain) e Gian Luca Vignale (Personal).

A council, that of Cirio bis, divided between reconfirmations and new entries, with which the mayor Stefano Lo Russo hopes to be able to collaborate as it has done so far, sometimes attracting criticism from those who would have preferred a more aggressive attitude to institutional harmony with Cirio.

The mayor has no intention of reviewing his approach (an approach that the governor shares). «We must expect that politics will continue to work in the interests of citizens, this is the spirit that has animated us in recent years and which will continue to animate us. And I hope there will be the same spirit on the part of the new regional council regarding the many dossiers that we have opened and which must be brought to the ground”, underlines Lo Russo, who yesterday presented the program of the celebrations of San Giovanni.

Indeed, the mayor demonstrates that he already has a ready agenda of issues to put on the table between the Municipality and the Region. «I am thinking, for example, of the new regional socio-health plan – he clarifies –, which must be defined in terms of competence by the Region but which must take place, especially as regards the city of Turin, with a view to dialogue and discussion. We are waiting to see President Cirio’s decisions on the people who will be identified to manage the various issues on the table.”

Among the shared dossiers there is not only the health planbut also the new hospitals: that of Pellerina and the Parco della Salute. And then “the cultural themes, economic development, the relaunch of events and the consolidation of Turin – says Lo Russo, who wishes the governor good luck – as a platform for major international events”.

But before presenting the new government team to the Piedmontese, Cirio will be abroad for his first international mission of his second mandate: from tomorrow to Tuesday he will in fact be in New York together with the 13 major Piedmontese food companies for the 68th edition of the Summer Fancy Food, the largest trade event in the US for the food industry. The governor will lead the delegation to the fair, where a meeting is also scheduled with the Minister of Agriculture, Francesco Lollobrigida. «We want to fuel exchange with the USA – states Cirio -, a country with which we are among the top regions in Italy in terms of economic and commercial relations».

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