Dust in the air: “Note to conspiracy theorists, it is a phenomenon already described in ancient texts, by Homer, Plutarch…”

SIENA – “How long will this disturbing, annoying and sand-laden sky last? The forecasts of the Copernicus satellite tell us this, thanks to the atmospheric monitoring service (CAMS, Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service, here)…”.

Thus begins the explanation by the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Siena of the phenomenon we have witnessed for a few days. The Sahara dust in the air, and that leaden, milky, sometimes yellow sky.

Also announced on Wednesday 19 June by the LAMMA weather forecast (here).

“We will have to endure it today too – they say from the UniSi Astronomical Observatory – but from tomorrow (Saturday 22 June), starting from the north, the Saharan sand should leave our skies, as the images we have prepared show”.

“Note to chemtrail and sand conspiracy theorists – they comment, referring to those who have not missed an opportunity to refer the natural phenomenon to… who knows what – We are under an immense expanse of very fine desert sand carried by the winds at high altitude”.

“Don’t blame geoengineering – they continue – if you can’t demonstrate which geoengineering can cause an effect that covers more than our entire nation, extending over half a million square kilometers”.

“It is a phenomenon that has already happened in the past – underline the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Siena – also described in ancient texts: Homer, Plutarch, Titus Livy, Pliny the Elder write about red skies and sandy rains”.

“In 1807 – they add – the scientist from Molfetta Giuseppe Maria Giovenestudying the winds and the composition of the sandy dust, concluded that the sand came from Africa”.

“All events – they still say – observed and described long before the invention of airplanes and geoengineering. Unfortunately now it happens more and more frequently, but blaming geoengineering doesn’t help to understand the problem.”

“Don’t say “how did it come to be that there’s no wind?” – they further underline – because the wind is not only what we feel at ground level”.

“Inform yourself – they conclude – before provoking and offending all those who try, with competence, to explain natural phenomena. Above all, stop being angry with us, we have nothing to do with it and this sandy air is very annoying to us too.”


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