on Sunday the protest takes to the streets of Pisa

Pisa, 21 June 2024 – “Stop using the horses to pull the carriages under the summer sun”. It is the cry of Anti Vivisection League which, with the arrival of the heat and the increase in temperatures, opposes with all its strength the exploitation of horses to pull tourist carriages, “a violent reality that LAV has been fighting for years”. The Anti Vivisection League will demonstrate in Pisa on Sunday 23 June at 4.30 pm in Piazza dell’Arcivescovado to “give a voice to these animals forced to work for many hours a day, with loads of up to 900 kg, exposed to increasingly extreme climatic conditionssubjected to a very high level of stress – emotional and perceptive – to move in traffic, in a context of strong acoustic and visual pollution, and forced to perform a coercive task in which they have no way of interacting positively with what surrounds them”.

“Carriage horses live like slaves to a arbitrary and violent use in the name of an anachronistic and unacceptable traditionforcibly maintained only to protect the economic interests of a few people and despite the wider possibilities of replacing carriages with electric vehicles, without repercussions on the employment level of the operators currently employed in animal-driven transport” he declared Nadia Zurlonational manager of Equidi LAV. The carriages did not stop even in the scorching heat of recent summers, two horses died in Palermo and one in Caserta, just to name a few. “We ask the inhabitants of Pisa to support us in this battle and the tourists not to use carriages to visit the cities. We appeal to the municipal administration to no longer grant licenses for animal-drawn vehicles, thus encouraging their conversion, encouraging the use of substitute means, as has already happened in the cities of Verona and Cagliari and in the park of the Royal Palace of Caserta. We appeal to the Senate and to the Minister of Transport Salvini to ensure that, in the second reading of the new Highway Code, introduce the ban on carriages by law” concluded the national equine manager. After years of struggles and unfulfilled promises, the Anti Vivisection League is still here to remember the many horses that suffer daily in our cities and on Sunday it will also remember it in Pisa, at 4.30 pm in Piazza dell’Arcivescovado.

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