Mourning in Lucca and in the Serchio Valley for the passing of Enzo Lanini

Mourning in Lucca and in the Serchio Valley for the passing of Enzo Lanini
Mourning in Lucca and in the Serchio Valley for the passing of Enzo Lanini

Mourning in Lucca and in the Serchio Valley for the disappearance of the former secretary of the Chamber of Labor of Fornaci di Barga and former president of the Anpi of the Serchio Valley, Enzo Lanini.

The Communist Rifondazione di Lucca party expresses its closeness to the family with a message of condolence: “Unfortunately – it says – a figure who was and is an example for all the workers and anti-fascists of the Serchio Valley and Lucca. Enzo, in addition to having been secretary of the Chamber of Labor of Fornaci di Barga and President of the Anpi of the Serchio Valley, participated in political and trade union life with rare passion and also wrote and published various books which remain as evidence of his commitment and theoretical development. Finally we want to remember how much he worked in teaching in schools and with young people”.

The disappearance of the former trade unionist and historical memory of the Lima Valley Enzo Lanini is a fact that must sadden everyone – says Maurizio Guccione -. Those who thought like him and also those who didn’t agree. Because when a person lives committing himself to the search for social justice, for those who have no tools, remaining alongside those who are subjugated, well, all this cannot – should not – have partisanship of any kind. Enzo Lanini has spent his life dealing with this. Idealistic but concretely at the service of others, he demonstrated it at the Federconsumatori, he achieved it in the all-encompassing commitment within the CGIL. He viscerally dedicated himself to that commitment, after having been a primary school teacher for a few years. Since 1983 he has created the historical exhibition of emigration in the Ermete Zacconi theater company of Montefegatesi, the place where he lived. He wasn’t divisive, Enzo Lanini, far from it: the contributions, the initiatives, spoke of the past but looked to the future; tried to involve young people, to explore the places in the Val di Lima which were protagonists, like others, of the Nazi-fascist brutality of the period”.

“He was the author of numerous publications, which marked the annual exhibition on emigration. And he had read a lot, Enzo Lanini, he was a man for whom culture had done good and, as a good man of the people, he had made it available to others, because this is what you have to do if you don’t want to be elitist – it goes on Guccione -. In the square of Montefegatesi, on April 25th, Lanini was there: Anpi handkerchief around his neck, commemoration, always a thread of emotion. This was him, a decent person who lived to ensure that men and women could be protagonists of a more just society. This is why, however you think, his disappearance will leave a beautiful memory, perhaps in the form of a light wind, once again blowing up there, among the mountains of Bagni di Lucca, among the plains of Prato Fiorito, of Valfegana, from that world dear to him.”

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