Brusson: no boats for the pond, the Fishing Consortium says no

Brusson: no boats for the pond, the Fishing Consortium says no
Brusson: no boats for the pond, the Fishing Consortium says no

Brusson: no boats for the pond, the Fishing Consortium says no.

The boats that the new management of the Brusson lake area had planned and which should have been the protagonists of the summer of 2024 in the Brusson lake area do not have the approval of the Fishing Consortium.

The OK came from the Region and CVA, but the fishing consortium said no.

The project

The Municipality of Brusson takes pen and paper and writes a statement giving an overview of the matter: «The municipal administration of Brusson, also supported in this by the evidence that emerged with the new Tourist Development Programme, has identified the lake area as the nodal point for the development of the tourist offer of the area. To this end, it has made important direct investments (playground, parking area) and has created an open tender for the management of the area in 2024 with the aim of favoring the offer of services, especially if innovative, obviously compatible and subject to obtaining any authorizations necessary for their completion”.

«The contractual duration was envisaged as long-term (6 + 6 years) also in order to allow the successful managers of the tender to be able to recover from the investments incurred for the implementation of the proposed services – continues the note -. In all of this, the use of the hydroelectric basin for the sole purpose of navigability by boat proved to be the most interesting and innovative service and was proposed by all three participants in the tender”.

The clarifications

«The basin, with some provisions in which the areas are delimited and an adequate safety plan is required, appears to be navigable both for the Compagnia Valdostana delle Acque (sub-concessionary company) and for the Valle d’Aosta Region (Manager of the state property water). In this context, the municipal administration expresses great regret in learning of the denial for safety reasons to use the basin for navigation purposes expressed by the Valle d’Aosta Fishing Consortium, the body responsible for granting authorization in the his capacity as manager of the basin as a fishing reserve” writes the administration again.

The note from the mayor of Brusson continues Danilo Grivon: «Recognizing the historical importance of the Valle d’Aosta Fishing Consortium in the management and protection of the fish fauna and biodiversity of the public waters of the Evançon stream and the hydroelectric basin, as well as obviously the legitimate rights of exclusivity in the use of the areas granted to the pursuant to the regional law of 1976 and the DGR of February 2024 relating to the definition of the fishing calendar, we also believe that the exploitation of the basin for tourist purposes, of which navigation represents a potentially winning novelty, is an asset of great value not only for the municipality of Brusson but for the entire Val d’Ayas, being the area frequented by thousands of tourists”.

The hope

The hope of the Municipality of Brusson «in both the particular and above all general interest, a resumption of discussions between the interested parties which can lead to a consensual solution useful for the safe exercise of their respective activities, as already happens in similar situations in other regions Italian Alpine mountains. For its part, the Municipality makes itself available to any action or initiative that could facilitate a possible agreement between the parties.”

(Sonia Marquis)

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