Naples, tensions between rival clans lead to ambushes: 30 people investigated

Naples, tensions between rival clans lead to ambushes: 30 people investigated
Naples, tensions between rival clans lead to ambushes: 30 people investigated

Thirteen people they were reached yesterday in Naples by a precautionary custody order in prison and another 17 from the residence ban in Campaniaissued at the end of the investigations conducted by the flying squad policemen, thanks also to the support of the Secondigliano and Poggioreale police stations, the Avellino Flying Squad and the Anzio sul police station. wounding a man last September 20, 2021. It would appear that the gunshots that reached the victim were fired during a settling of scores between mafia clans.

This could all be traced back to climate of strong tension recorded within the Stadera group“, rib of Contini clan, within which a split would have developed. The members of these groups, in fact, would have liked to break away to become an autonomous mafia clan that would have managed their own affairs independently. This decision, therefore, would have caused quite a bit of tension within the criminal families, resulting in several ambushes.

The thirty suspects are contesting the crimes of criminal association aimed at drug trafficking, carrying and possession of common firearms. Furthermore, during the investigations, circumstantial elements were acquired regarding two other people, who were allegedly involved in a firefight that occurred on 17 December 2019.

Naples, the secession of Stadera group

According to what emerged from the investigations, it would appear that the ambush of 20 September 2021 was a response to a previous ambush occurred on 2 September. It would therefore seem that these attacks are the result of internal tensions between two clans, which until recently were united in business. After the secession of theStadera group“, the Contini clan would declare war on the new adversariesto prevent them from becoming potential competition.

The group, in fact, would have liked to enter the field of dealing of narcotic substances both through channels referable to criminal contexts in the Scampia area and in those of the “Cunnolo” area. Furthermore, the drug dealing area ofStadera group” seemed to expand to the neighborhoods of Bridges And Secondiglianoin the city of Avellino and in the Salerno district house. It would then appear that the group was in possession of several firearms and that it had intentions of adding others, so as to be ready for possible clashes with other opposing clans.

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